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Waukeen Shinare

Her portfolio included everything related to commerce and the accumulation of wealth through free and fair trade, as well as the beneficial use of wealth to improve civilization. Those that venerated and appeased her included merchants from lowly peddlers to the wealthy owners of trading companies, investors, accountants, entrepreneurs, caravan guides, warehouse owners, philanthropists, deal-makers, moneylenders, and so on. Though she is worshiped by merchants and traders, especially dwarven ones, she charges her followers with balancing the pursuit of wealth with morality, and charges them to use their good fortune to benefit their communities. This attitude ensures that, as opposed to the selfish greed promoted by her nemesis Hiddukel , Waukeen Shinare's clerics and faithful are respected and welcomed wherever they go.   Industry and commerce is the way to riches. Work hard and you will be rewarded with wealth. Greed will destroy what you have worked to gain. Poverty is lack of effort. Never tolerate laziness or ignorance. The clever and the industrious find opportunity and fortune in the world. Lead others in enterprise and safeguard transactions, Be fair and honest in your business, for deception is the road to ruin - yet do not shy from competition, for it is the wellspring of all fortune.

Divine Domains

Trade   Cleric Domain: Trickery
Divine Classification
6th Age Deity
Being Domain 1st-Level 5th-Level 11th-Level 17th-Level
Waukeen Shinare Trade jim's magic missile jim's glowing coin You gain the ability to freely transmute coinage between denominations while maintaining the same total value. You can increase your Wisdom or Intelligence score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.
Hiddukel Greed distort value incite greed
Reorx Gontar Craft You can cast shield of faith with this trait, requiring no
material components, a number of times equal to your
Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.   In addition, you know the mending cantrip. Intelligence
is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
You can cast heat metal with this trait,
requiring no material components. Once
you cast the spell in this way, you can't do
so again until you finish a long rest. Intelligence
is your spellcasting ability for this spell.   In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against
being knocked prone.


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