Zoiatine/Zoiatine Powder Material in Yershmier | World Anvil
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Zoiatine/Zoiatine Powder

Zoiatine is a rock found in Hügel, Unterberg, and Zhido. Zoiatine is used in construction in many different cities throughout Yershmier. Zoiatine in its refined form gives off the appearance of changing colors, going from gold to orange to red. Zoiatine can be extremely hard to pick out in the mining process because in its unrefined form it appears almost identical to coal. Miners need to be extremely cautious when extracting Zoiatine from the stone because Zoiatine can explode very easily if not handled carefully. In its refined form Zoiatine can be very beautiful when used in construction but also very dangerous when used for weapons. Many criminals in Yershmier have figured out how to grind Zoiatine into a very fine powder.   Powdered Zoiatine is just as explosive as unrefined Zoiatine. The powdered ore can be used for many different uses. When combined with hot metal while forging, powdered Zoiatine can cause a weapon to have an explosive finish. Powdered Zoiatine can also be used for smoke bombs, so when thrown they explode releasing a thick cloud of Zoiatine.   The use most often seen with criminals is using powdered Zoiatine to create gunpowder for guns and cannons. Unfortunately guns are only used by criminals such as the Gold Blade. When shot off the "gunpowder" will release a color changing cloud. The problem is guns are still very new and can be very faulty, so more often than not the gun will malfunction and hurt the user rather than the target.   This technology is still a work in progress and will be for a while, so not many know about the many uses of the beautiful ore Zoiatine. If people did it could change the entire way Golivion lives. But for now most people only see Zoiatine for its ever changing colors.


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