Archibald Black


Session 1 - Festival Day 1 in Jaarvi

Jaarvi - up and coming city Harvest end festival -performers -feasts -contests -party -drinking   Grassland country -Gnoll problem -Sometimes barbarian problem   Barn game -Ribbons! -Animals to chase! -Prizes!   People signed up for the pie eating contest   Watched the knife throwing contest Met the friendly kitten. (Steve lost the names) We all tried it and did ok to great   Pies were stolen from the eating contest. "Goblin" stole them. We tracked them to the seedier part of town. 10 year old child stole the pies to feed other starving children Each child was given 2 sp. They ate one pie but we returned the other 2. Got free admission to the pie eating contest. Eric's twilight cat asked about apprentiships for one of the older children but we have to find the kids again.   Barrel contest I won - gave money for the kids   Pie Eating contest I made it 3 pies before stopping Ashley won Conor made if far and then vomitted.   Bright Phoenix Troupe - Half Orc jugglers Juggles various things including a baby to Elanor's displeasure Winston is offered up but demures strongly Orc comes out and addes fire to the juggling mix   We go to a very nice tall oaks inn 4gp a night, 1 gp per drink - crazy expensive Leave with Eleanor to find the kids instead   Stay with a fire haired halfing at a cheaper tavern   Winston invites a few to stay for free with him because he is a jerk.  


Archibald was the product of a torrid and scandalous affair. If he had been part of a humanoid society. A group of adventurers had stopped by the college to bargain for spells and trinkets. A Familiar seduced my mother in a warm afternoon sunbeam and left her with a litter of kittens to deal with on her own. Archibald was part of that litter. He spent his first weeks in a magical workshop where the teachers could keep an eye on them and keep them away from curious students wanting to pet them. When he was old enough to leave his mother he joined the classes. It wasn't until he was caught helping a struggling student that the teachers realized he had been following along. Having no other duties or responsibilities he had been taking each class more than once. The more mechanical and explosive classes spooked the tiny kitten so he focused on the purely mystical. At least then he knew when something was supposed to explode.   When time came to leave it was easy to gather up his supplies. A bowl make from a goblet that had its base destroyed. The inside is stained from toxic concoctions. The remains of cold weather robes destroyed by a baby Remorazh. Archibald had nothing to do with the encounter. He simply spent several afternoons snuggly reading out loud to Mrs. Grentworth while she sewed the remains into something he could wear to protect against the cold. Archibald wasn't a fan of gnomish romances but it was still a fair trade.