Asmodeus Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil


The Lord of Conquest, Asmodeus rules over his domain with an iron fist. He grants power to his followers in exchange for absolute obedience.

While politicians may praise the name of Abadar in the light, there are plenty who pay tribute to Asmodeus under cover of dark. Those who seek victory through any means necessary seek out deals with Asmodeus- hoping to enjoy power in this life by trading their services after death. Clerics of Asmodeus are often trained in the details of law and legal writing. In some large cities, they have offices where they help to forge mystically binding contracts for patrons in exchange for gold.

A secretive god, it is rare to see Asmodeus materialize in a corporeal form in the mortal world. On these occasions, he is said to appear in the form of a red-eyed serpent enveloped by living shadows. When appearing in the visions of his followers, he appears as an attractive human male with cold, dark eyes.

The Order of Asmodeus is made up of a strict hierarchy of clerics, which those of lower station are expected to abide by decisions of more senior members without question. On the surface, this creates the illusion of a strong united front ready to conquer any opposition; however, the desire for more power results in a constant political chess game amongst its members.

  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Realms: Power, Tyranny, Conquest, Contracts
  • Color: Red
  • Sacred Symbols: Horned Crown, Serpent, Whip
The Horned Crown of Asmodeus