Bahamut Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Within the Northern half of the continent of Dragenmor is the largest density of dragons in all of Yeshilan. And it is here that you will also find the most followers of Bahamut the Just.

Dragons and dragonkind of good alignment make the majority of Bahamut's worshippers. However, he accepts any follower who acts to protect others and practices merciful justice. Though uncommon throughout much of Yeshilan, plenty of non-dragonkind within Drachenwald are followers of Bahamut.

Bahamut's appearance is that of a gargantuan Platinum Dragon.

Clerics of Bahamut wear their holy symbols proudly- typically platinum in the form of a dragon claw or scale. Their other garb may vary based on their duties- from simple robes to fine suits of full plate armor.

  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Realms: Dragons, Justice, Protection, & Overcoming Evil
  • Color: Platinum & Blue
  • Sacred Symbols: Shield, Dragon Claw or Scale, Bahamut's Head
Bahamut Holy Symbol: Platinum Scale Amulet