Elhaz Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil


The God of Protection, Justice, and Health, Elhaz is worshipped by many across the lands of Yeshilan. It is rare to find a city without at least one shrine built in his honor.

While his worshipers come from all walks of life, those in certain trades are especially likely to be followers of Elhaz: Judges, healers/midwives, soldiers.

In traditional lore, when appearing before mortals Elhaz will take the form of either a handsome humanoid man (often matching the race of the one he appears to), or a white stag with golden antlers.

Clerics of this order wear robes of green and white, and are armed with at least a small sword- even if they never intend to use it for violence. Clerics of high station may be gifted a crown of pure white antlers to wear during important ceremonies; however, to wear a crown of golden antlers- as Elhaz himself does- would be seen as blasphemy. Clerics of Elhaz frequently work to help settle disputes and tend to the sick and injured in their homelands.

  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Realms: Protection, Justice, Health
  • Color: Green & White
  • Sacred Symbols: Antlers, White Stag, Upward-pointing Sword
Elhaz's Crown

Cover image: Stag of Elhaz by H Thomson