Gatagalu Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Across the Islands of Laumei, the people tell the story of the island chain creator and protector- Gatagalu, the Wave Serpent.

Legend has it that the original home of the Tortles was annihilated by a cataclysmic wave, and those who survived drifted out to sea on patched-together rafts made from whatever remained of their homeland. As the people were nearing death, Gatagalu heard their cries and with a powerful waterspout raised the Islands of Laumei from the bottom of the ocean. As he swam away, he created gentle waves that carried the surviving Tortles to the newly created islands, saving them and giving them a new homeland.

Gatagalu appears as a colossal silvery-white Oarfish with scales that depict the history of Yeshilan and the Tortles of Laumei.

The majority of Gatagalu's clerics are Tortles from the islands of Laumei. However, his ranks include some Elves of Falmagne Isle who have adopted the traditions of the island's first Tortle residents.

  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Realms: Tortles, Islands of Laumei, Ocean, Storms
  • Color: Blue
  • Sacred Symbols: Carved Oar, Oarfish, Waterspout