Hana Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Barely known outside the island nation named in his honor, Hana is a legendary hero and Demigod worshipped by the Lizardfolk of Tokamahana. Also known by his titles: The Rainbow Warrior, Champion of the Sun.

The Lizardfolk of the island are essentially Hana's sole followers. Once a mortal, the legends of Hana tell of his many great deeds to rid the world of evil and save the Lizardfolk from disaster.

When appearing to his followers, Hana is a tall, muscular Lizardman with a mantle of colorful feathers that grow out from the scales around his neck and shoulders.

Hana expects his worshippers to live by his code: To build up their community in whatever way they can contribute; To not give in to fear or darkness, but not mistake bold foolishness for bravery; To take pride in not only your own accomplishments, but in those of your friends and family; To judge others based on their deeds, not their words. When a member of Hana's followers does a great or heroic deed, they receive a bright color tattoo on a number of scales equal to the size of the deed- meant to mimic Hana's feathered mantle.

  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Realms: Lizardfolk, Sunlight, Community, Victory
  • Color: Yellow
  • Sacred Symbols: Hana's Fishing Hook, Giant Sunfish, Rainbow
Hana's Fishing Hook