Kaihoro Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil


In Tokamahana, when disaster strikes it is said to be caused by Kaihoro- a Demon Lord of death and deception.

Kaihoro features in cautionary tales amongst the Lizardfolk of Tokamahana- Great warriors & spellcasters seeking more power have been seduced by his offers, only to then see certain victory snatched away in an unexpected disaster. One legend tells of a chieftain who struck a deal to lead his people to new land, and upon setting out saw their fishing nets tied in impossible knots, their sails cut by the wind, and their ships swallowed by a great wave. Sparing but a single soul to tell the tale, the only new land the others found was that far beneath the waves where they drowned.

The Lizardfolk say that Kaihoro takes the form of what a desperate person wishes to see most, making it easier to lull them into a sense of security when making deals.

There are rogue clans of Lizardfolk who have fallen to the offers of greatness that Kaihoro extended. They are not only shunned by the other Lizardfolk, but actively rooted out. Merciful troops will force these groups off the island; more militant troops will kill followers of Kaihoro outright, lest they bring disaster to all in their quest for power.

  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Realms: Despair, Deception, Power
  • Color: Obsidian
  • Sacred Symbols: Volcanoes & Tidal Waves, Jellyfish, Tangled Net