Rovagug Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil


A volcano erupting full force upon the village at its feet. A rabid wolf tearing through its unrecognized packmates. Blind ruinous rage. Rovagug the Devourer is a force of unchecked, destructive consumption.

Those mad enough to follow Rovagug must do so in absolute secret, as even saying his name aloud is seen by most to invite disaster. Devotees build no temples, using instead the ash and ember created by their acts of destruction as their places of worship.

Rovagug takes no physical form in the material plane, having been banished eons ago by the cooperative efforts of the other deities due to his endless quest to destroy all of creation. Yet his madness is known to find its way into the hearts and minds of mortals, corrupting them to his wrathful will.

There are rumored to be cults of The Devourer within the lands of Yeshilan. However, they are dispatched of as soon as they are discovered- lest they'd unleash their fury upon those they find first.

  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Realms: Chaos, Destruction, Wrath, Disaster
  • Color: None
  • Sacred Symbols: Decagram, The Fanged Spider, Ashes, Broken Weapons
The Devourer's Sigil
Rovagug Star.jpg