Sarenrae Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Sometimes also known as the Dawnflower, Sarenrae is a primary diety in the Arohane region of Dragenmor. Her wandering clerics have brought word of Sarenrae across the lands of Yeshilan, though her temples are still less common in the East.

A champion of redemption, Sarenrae's followers are a truly mixed bag- former criminals, refugees, healers, and champions of charity are all welcome to her warmth.

When taking a form on the mortal plane, Serenrae typically appears as a blinding light, sometimes with the fire-wrapped silhouette of a winged young woman visible at the center.

Clerics of Serenrae typically wear flowing blue robes, often with the symbol of a golden sun included somewhere upon their garments. While some clerics reside at permanent temples in her honor, initiates who wish to advance in rank are expected to travel out into the world and assist individuals who are seeking redemption to accomplish their goal.

  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Realms: Sun, Redemption, Honesty, Healing
  • Color: Blue & Gold
  • Sacred Symbols: Sun, Dove, Angelic Ankh
Shield of the Dawnflower