Shar Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil


A voice whispered in the dark, a shadow glimpsed in the corner at night, the last breath that holds a soul between this world and the next. Shar, The Lady of the Shroud is widely associated with the sinister desires which lurk within the heart- including those that last beyond death.

Those who dabble in illusion or make their livings through trickery understand the benefits of knowing the ways of Shar. But The Lady of the Shroud also guides the dead to their final resting places, holding sway in matters of life after death. The desperate may pray to Shar to return their loved one from the grave; the unlucky will find she has answered.

When making herself known to mortals, Shar appears as a gaunt woman in a black and purple decaying shroud. Shar most commonly visits loyal worshipers in dreams to reveal her will.

The Sisterhood of Shar is the largest organization of clerics to The Lady of the Shroud, almost entirely comprised of female clerics. While viewed with a healthy dose of mistrust, they provide vital services in many communities due to their willingness to handle the remains of those who have died of disease, or to provide final rites and rest for those without the means to pay.

  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Realms: Illusion, Death, Undead
  • Color: Purple & Black
  • Sacred Symbols: Black Disk, Eclipse, Dusk Vulture, Shrouded Skeleton
The Lady of the Shroud
The Lady of the Shroud.jpg