Sylvar Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil


The keeper of wild places, Sylvar is both the calm, warm summer breeze and the raging storm upon the sea. A god that fully represents that the only thing that is constant is change.

Those who wander the wilderness and folk who reside in coastal communities tend to be followers of Sylvar. Having dominion over the seas, sailors, ship merchants, and fisherfolk typically keep his symbols at hand in hopes of safely returning home from his realm.

Sylar is said to take a few forms when he visits the mortal world, the most common being that of a unicorn, or a man whose beard flows like the waves of the sea.

Coastal cities are the most likely to have large and formal temples to Sylvar. In the wild spaces, his clerics tend to build either temporary shrines made of natural materials or more permanent living shrines of living trees and stone. Sylvar's clerics are expected to protect wild spaces from overuse, and allow nature to take its course. They are particularly opposed to the undead, which mock the natural order of life and death. The Hounds of Sylvar are a sect of rangers who act in Sylvar's service, tracking down poachers & destroying any unnatural monstrosities they find.

  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Realms: Nature, Seas, Wilderness
  • Color: Green & Blue
  • Sacred Symbols: Oak Tree, Unicorn, Narwhal, Ocean Wave
Symbol of the Hounds of Sylvar