The Awakened in Yeshilan | World Anvil

The Awakened

Almost 1,000 years ago, Yeshilan suffered a terrible tragedy in the Shattering Storm- a magical event so explosive it decimated populations across the land and laid waste to entire cities. As the peoples of Yeshilan grieved these losses and began the impossible task of rebuilding their homes, they began to notice something unusual- some of their long-time dog and cat companions started to act oddly- as if anticipating their needs and understanding their conversations. Then, they began to talk. After the initial shock, most took this development as a blessing from the gods- calling it the Merciful Miracle. While these animals could not replace the family and friends that were lost, they would be of invaluable service in the Great Reconstruction- physically and mentally able to handle entirely new tasks, and still a source of joy and comfort for hurting hearts.   Over time, these original Awakened had families of their own- and while their litter sizes shrank considerably, in the following generations more and more of their young were born Awakened as well. And each subsequent generation experienced longer lifespans, allowing them to learn, grow, and experience more in the world. In some places they have become as equal citizens of their nations, able to gain educations, careers, and own land. Some individuals strike out on their own to create lives of their choosing, while others still prefer the comforts, companionship, and convenience of living as a favored "furry family member" in a humanoid household.   The strange existence of the Awakened hasn't been limited to the Merciful Miracle. Even today, cats, dogs, and rarely members of other animal species find themselves Awakening not at birth, but rather later in their lives. These "Late Sleepers" immediately slow their aging process and gain the benefits other Awakened have- a curiosity beyond simple survival and instinct, an intellect more complex than before, and the ability to do something with both! This effect is seen even on those who have been Awakened through more traditional magical means, though these individuals are often considered to be the charges (or property) of the one who awakened them.   Traditional Homeland: Throughout Yeshilan   Physical Description: The Awakened are as varied as their non-awakened counterparts, varying widely in size, shape, coat, and color.   Lifespan: On average an Awakened cat or dog lives about 50 years, with smaller dogs and cats likely to live a bit longer than their large canine counterparts. Other Awakened animals are too rare to have a reported average lifespan.   Size: Cats and Lap Dogs are considered Small creatures. Regular and Big Dogs are considered Medium creatures.
Many Awakened Cats and Dogs still love things traditionally enjoyed by their mundane counterparts