The Good Mother Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil

The Good Mother

The Good Mother is known to all awakened dogs, though each dog follows her in their own way. After all, who can say what single trait makes one a good dog?

Awakened dogs make up the bulk of The Good Mother's followers, though her aspects have occasionally attracted the attention of Druids & Clerics of other species as well.

The Good Mother's appearance is personalized to the one who sees her- perhaps appearing as an idealized dog, the individual's own mother, or another nurturing figure from their life. Dogs will tell you her appearance may vary, but they know her by her scent- that of a clean litter of puppies in a warm bed.

Those who follow The Good Mother find different ways to live their lives in her honor, but the primary tenets are agreed upon:
Be loyal and be good to your Pack
Be true to your nature
Rejoice in life, be unashamed of your joy
Aid and support those who you care for
Your loyalty, once earned, is unbreakable
It is better to be amongst friends than be alone
Never pass up the chance to play, cuddle or snooze with another.

  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Realms: Awakened Dogs, Companionship, Nurturing, Protection
  • Color: Gold
  • Sacred Symbols: A Mother Dog circling her pup, a simple den
Dogs play outside a temple of The Good Mother