The Old Striped One Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil

The Old Striped One

A mysterious deity even amongst cats, The Old Striped One is less widely followed than others in the Awakened Cats' pantheon.

If curiosity might kill the cat, The Old Striped One will surely bring them back from the brink. He is a protector for those who worship him, and even some who don't. He is less particular about who he counts amongst his followers than Urbaste and Tom o' th' Alley.

They say you never really see The Old Striped One clearly- just the quick blur of a striped cat as it moves out of sight, or a shadow in the corner of your sight.

Clerics of The Old Striped One are expected to show kindness to not only their kin, but those of all races and species. To not cause unnecessary harm to others- when you hunt be quick and merciful; if you must steal take from those who will not miss it. Followers should seek out hidden places and share knowledge whenever they can.

  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Realms: Mercy, Curiosity, & Patient Wisdom
  • Color: Black and Grey
  • Sacred Symbols: Cat Paw Print, Whiskers