Tiamat Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Powerful and proud, Tiamat is known as the Queen of Chromatic Dragons. While she may be know outside the continent of Dragenmor, few beside evil dragons worship her beyond these lands.

Evil dragons are Tiamat's primary worshippers, but those who seek great personal power have also been seduced into her ranks. While Tiamat will accept these converts, they are viewed as lesser beings and will never be granted the respect or status of her dragonkind followers.

Tiamat is known to take two separate forms- that of a unique dragon, with one head for each color of common chromatic dragon species: black, blue, green, red, white. She may also take the form of a pale woman with black hair and eyes, and a cold demeanor.

Tiamat's clerics view other gods as pathetic tyrants, knowing that only Tiamat can offer them the personal power and true freedom they crave. They prefer not to work alongside non-believers, and if forced will do all they can to lead the group toward accomplishing their own goals.

  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Realms: Dragons (Evil), Power, Pride, Greed
  • Color: 5-Color Wheel- red, blue, green, black, white
  • Sacred Symbols: 5-color wheel, Coins, 5-clawed dragon hand
A coin holy symbol of Tiamat