Tom o'th' Alley Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil

Tom o'th' Alley

An ever-changing deity known primarily to Awakened cats, Tom o'th' Alley is a Trickster at heart.

Tom's worshippers come from all levels of society- from beggars and thieves, to performers and politicians. Those who need to charm will pray to Tom for help, and those who need secrecy and strength like to be in his good graces as well.

Of all deities known amongst the Awakened cats, Tom o'th' Alley is the most likely to make an appearance. Though typically seen as a large ginger cat with green eyes, Tom is ever the trickster and may change this form at will.

Tom's clerics tend to fall in the steal-from-the-rich-give-to-the-poor camp, but with a bit of pocketing some extra for themselves as well. Clerics are encouraged to enjoy life's pleasures- tasty food, good company, and a pinch of catnip when you can get it.

  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Realms: Trickery, Mischief, Fun
  • Color: Green & Gold
  • Sacred Symbols: A Copper Coin, a Ginger Cat, a Sprig of Catnip