Urbaste Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil


The queen deity of Awakened Cats, Urbaste is revered by her children- some even claim she was the first Awakened Cat, born mortal and later becoming a god.

Cats worship Urbaste through acts of "cat-ness", which is up to an individual's interpretation but often involves chasing prey (whether or not you mean to catch it), stealing and hiding objects, playing with shiny things, napping in a sunbeam, etc. Urbaste is not a fan of the humanoid races, who have a history of cruelty to her kin.

Urbaste's look varies by appearance, but is always in a feline form with odd-colored eyes. She may appear as a giant lion to scare off a follower's opponent, or as a small helpless kitten to test a worshiper's kindness.

Clerics who follow Urbaste are expected to keep themselves clean and fit enough to enjoy typical cat activities- jumping, climbing, prowling, playing- though each is only expected to perform to their best ability. Senior clerics are known to take long naps in the sun to commune with Urbaste, hoping for wisdom to pass along to younger generations. Only cat-kind are allowed to enter a temple to Urbaste.

  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Realms: Awakened Cats, feline-creatures & kin
  • Color: Orange & Green
  • Sacred Symbols: A cat with odd-colored eyes, A ball of Yarn
Ball of Yarn - a symbol of Urbaste