Yeenoghu Myth in Yeshilan | World Anvil


The Gnolls that terrorize the wilds of Fredsfelder are the fanatical worshippers of Yeenoghu: The Beast of Butchery, the Ruler of Ruin.

It is said that the Gnolls were created by Yeenoghu in his quest to wreck havoc on the world. They are bound to their demon lord in life, possessed by the burning desire to serve him through destruction and sacrifices. In death, their soul is consumed by him to grant him further power.

Yeenoghu does not change his appearance to suit mortals, instead showing himself as he is- a towering, muscle-bound mangey, pox-ridden Gnoll-like demon.

While the Gnolls provide a loyal cult following for Yeenoghu, his clerics are able to draw in other races as well- seeking out individuals mad with a desire for devistation, or using their rituals to bind the unwilling to Yeenoghu the same way the Gnolls are. Much like the followers of Rovagug, the cult of Yeenoghu is not welcome within the cities of Yeshilan.

  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Realms: Gnolls, Violence, Carnage
  • Color: Blood Red
  • Sacred Symbols: Hyena Skull, Thorned Whip, Flayed Bodies
An artist's rendition of Yeenoghu