Shu-Ri Hunters: Expert Trackers Organization in Yet to be | World Anvil
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Shu-Ri Hunters: Expert Trackers

Once they mark you,your as good as dead


Novice:a Li-Rajani,Fae or Tse who was scouted to join Shu-Ri   Recruit: A low level Member learning the the ways   Cyro Claw/Shadow Claw/Brute Claw: Recruits that specialize in either Cryo or Shadow Assassination spells and skills or a Brute strength,Torture and Interrogation.   Captain/Field Commander: A Shu-Ri who knows 2/3 of the Claws teaching. IN charge of a unit of 13   General: 1 of 5 elder or highly talented Shu-Ri stationed all over the world in secret with 1- 4 captains under them.

Public Agenda

To keep the People safe


A mask to hide their face,The Mask is lined with Cryo Lily thread. A hooded long cloak lined with Cryo lily threads as well. Bone/Necro Ruby weapon, Rope, Poisons, Throwing needles


Created as hidden military force if anything was to happen to the main tribal army. the Shu-Ri would assassinate the invading force.

Our prey never escapes

Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
The Masked Ones
Training Level
Veterancy Level

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