Minotaur Species in Yggdrasil | World Anvil
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Children of Minos

Minotaurs are about 7 ft tall and weigh around 700 lb. They have grey to copper skin and are covered in long, shaggy hair, often black or brown and sometimes white. They have deep black eyes, with small shades of yellow or red.
Minotaurs are fierce, adorned with long horns atop their bovine head, some even have tails hanging from their humanoid below. Many walk upon fur-covered hooves, standing high above the lesser races of the world.
Stat ID: 822913

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Ability Score Increase +2 Str, +1 Con
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution increases by 1.   Age. Minotaurs enter adulthood at around the age of 17 and can live up to 150 years.   Size. Minotaurs average over 6 feet in height, and they have strong, stocky builds. Your size is Medium.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Horns. Your horns are natural melee weapons, with which you’re proficient. When you hit with them, the target takes piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.   Goring Rush. Immediately after you use the Dash action on your turn and move at least as far as your speed, you can make one melee attack with your horns as a bonus action.   Hammering Horns. Immediately after you hit a creature with a melee attack as part of the Attack action on your turn, you can attempt to shove that creature with your horns using your reaction. The creature must be no more than one size larger than you and within 5 feet of you. It must make a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. If it fails, you push it up to 5 feet away from you.   Menacing. You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.   Hybrid Nature. You have two creature types: humanoid and monstrosity. You can be affected by a game effect if it works on either of your creature types.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Minotaur.


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