Turok Gren Character in Yggdrasil | World Anvil
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Turok Gren

Turok Gren

Turok had no family that he knew of, for as long as he could remember he had been wandering from battlefield to battlefield with a band of mercenaries called 'The Black Troupe'. They were well known for being ruthless and were said to be unstoppable.   At the age of 27, Turok and the black troupe were at their peak, but there was a large bounty on their heads. As the troupe were travelling through the mountains they were ambushed at night by a group of Knights. The black troupe tried to fight back but they were all slaughtered. They were all taken away in order to receive the bounty, with the exception of Turok, who had tripped and fallen down the mountain after receiving an almost fatal blow while flighting alongside the troupe members.   2 days later Turok awoke at a temple. A monk had brought him there and treated his wounds when he was on the brink of death. He was the only one who had survived the surprise attack. With the only family he had ever known now gone Turok was lost.   As Turok prepared to leave the temple the monk spoke to him about starting on a new path. The monk knew that he was a mercenary and that he had committed terrible sins in the past, but he believed that all those who wish to be redeemed can be. Not wanting to end up on the run again and with nowhere else to turn, Turok decided that he would follow the monks advice.   After training with the monk for 6 months Turok had learned much about how to lead a righteous life and how he can continue to redeem himself by using his strength not for his own gain, but to defend others. He sets off from the temple as a vagabond travelling from town to town once more but now with noble and pure intentions.   Before he left the temple the monk bestows Turok with a helmet which he can use to hide his identity, to avoid him being identified as a wanted man.

A human paladin that is on the path of redemption. Once a lone mercenary going town to town, Turok met a monk who taught him that even a sinner like himself could follow a righteous life. Since then Turok has been travelling as a vagabond.

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