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Destruction of Posedonis


Poseidon, facing the impending doom wrought by his offspring, turned to Mother Gaea for guidance. Gaea instructed him to release the Four Winds to dismantle his island without widespread destruction. Poseidon, offering boons to the Anemoi, receives their aid and amplifies their powers with Ouranos' life breath. The Four Winds descend upon Poseidonis, each wreaking havoc with their elemental might. Poseidon, witnessing the devastation, wept for the lost and forsook the mortal realm, taking Amphitrite as his immortal wife. In the aftermath, he found solace in the guidance of his mother, Rhea, and began to see a glimmer of hope.

Rhea revealed that she sent the stolen artifacts linked to the souls of Zeus' daughters to the mortal realm. Poseidon, grieving, clung to the possibility of redemption. He raised his immortal son, Triton, on tales of Atlantica and tasked him with safeguarding the many mortal incarnations of the Muses. Poseidon then went to seek out Apollo, the seer, who shared a prophecy hinting at the potential liberation of the Muses' souls and Poseidon's release from his binding oath.

Lord Hades, observing the chaos, reveled in his intricate plan unfolding seamlessly. He maintained a delicate facade of loyalty within Zeus' court, concealing his true intentions. Alongside Persephone, he aims to track the artifacts linked to the Muses' souls. Hindered by Gaea's magic, Hades employs deceit and treachery, harboring ambitions to wage war against Mount Olympus.

Historical Basis

Rooted in the celestial consequences of Poseidon's plea and the intervention of the Four Winds, the legend explores themes of desperation, sacrifice, and the intricate web of celestial relationships.


Variations of the legend delve into the nuances of Poseidon's grief, the Four Winds' elemental might, and the unfolding schemes of Hades and Persephone.

Variations & Mutation

Different celestial scrolls present variations highlighting Poseidon's emotional journey, the elemental chaos unleashed by the Four Winds, and the subtle machinations of Hades and Persephone.

Cultural Reception

The legend has shaped celestial beliefs about sacrifice, redemption, and the consequences of seeking divine intervention. It serves as a cautionary tale about the delicate balance between divine powers and mortal affairs.

In Literature

Celestial bards have composed ballads and epics that delve into the emotional and moral intricacies of the legend. Literary works explore the transformative journey of Poseidon, the elemental chaos, and the looming threat of Hades' ambitions.

In Art

Celestial artists have visually depicted scenes from the legend in celestial murals and cosmic tapestries. The art captures the emotional depth of Poseidon's grief, the elemental fury of the Four Winds, and the subtle machinations of Hades and Persephone.
Please Remember:
Age of Clay is a fictional timeline.
Most of this information was adapted from historical records to match the plotline.
All of the images on this site were found using public search domains.
I do not claim them as my own!
Date of First Recording
428 - 348 BCE
Date of Setting
9600 BCE
Related Locations
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