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Heathen Hof

A Heathen Hof is the name given to a place of worship in the Germanic religion.


The most famous heathen hof of the Viking Age is that at Gamla Uppsala ("Old Uppsala") in Sweden.

Tenets of Faith

"They do not think it in keeping with the divine majesty to confine gods within walls or to portray them in the likeness of any human countenance. Their holy places are woods and groves, and they apply the names of deities to that hidden presence which is seen only by the eye of reverence." - Tacitus
  Many sacrifices involve the slaughtering of all kinds of cattle, as well as horses, for a ritual called Blót. The blood of these sacrificed animals is collected and sprinkled over the altars, the interior and exterior temple walls, and the people gathered for Blót. The meat of these animals was then boiled and given those attending the sacrifice.


Goðar are Scandinavian spiritual leaders, responsible for establishing religious structure as well as hosting communal feasts and rituals like Blót.
Please Remember:
Age of Clay is a fictional timeline.
Most of this information was adapted from historical records to match the plotline.
All of the images on this site were found using public search domains.
I do not claim them as my own!
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