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Originally the humans that spread the entire breadth of Yilda, their minds became twisted and corrupted by the Cataclysm. Most humans were killed off by the plague that tore through all sentient species of the realm. Those that survived underwent an excruciatingly painful and prolonged illness that irrevocably scarred their bodies. Their offspring are doomed to the same fate often times born hideously disfigured. Most fleshwarp die from the curse passed down to them by their ancestors, not by beasts or monsters. The curse has calloused them to the horrors that now walk their realm and while their bodies suffer ailments some receive boons to their new bodies or mental states.



Fleshwarp societies were once built on the crumbling remains of vast and powerful human cities. Most have fled the cities due to the attraction of monsters to such concentrated sentient life and have opted to build settlements far from the remnants of their ancient powerful empires. It is in these small villages and towns that fleshwarps have begun to develop their culture and traditions once again.


Due to the corrupted and calloused nature of fleshwarps they often find themselves succumbing to addictions, gluttony, and greed. Fleshwarp settlements are rife with crime and backstabbing, and often appear to have no semblance of law. Only when fleshwarps are integrated with other sentient species do they find themselves capable of making more stereotypically "good" decisions.

Perception of Fleshwarps

Fleshwarps are often perceived initially with a great amount of pity. Other sentient races recognize the amount of pain and suffering the average fleshwarp is destined to endure. However, it is also commonly thought amongst other species that the reason for such a curse to have befallen them must be due to their own hubris. Humans before the Cataclysm were viewed as warlike, greedy, and far too emotional to be dealt with reasonably and as such were constantly at war with every other species in Yilda.

Unique Traits

Cursed Flesh:   Apathetic Soul: When faced with horrors, atrocities, and traumatic life experiences fleshwarps find themselves able to shrug off even the most horrifying memories faster than other sentient species. For this reason, most species perceive them to be apathetic or ruthless when in truth their minds host many nightmares that sometimes far outmatch the terrors of reality.   Gift of Chaos:   Sinful Nature:

Physical Characteristics

  • Height: 4-7 feet.
  • Weight: 80-275 pounds.
  • Skin Color: Numerous shades of black, brown, and gray. Common skin disfigurations and skin discoloration.
  • Hair Color: Any.
  • Eye Color: Black, white, or red.
  • Diet: Vegetables, grains, fruits, and seeds. No meat.

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