Effects of Drinking Condition in Yjarth | World Anvil
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Effects of Drinking

  • A creature who consumes a drink must roll a Constitution saving throw with the DC determined by the type of drink. It can choose to automatically fail the save. Creatures who have resistance to poison damage have advantage on their save and creatures who are immune to poison damage automatically succeed.
    • DC 10: mug of ale
    • DC 15: pitcher of common wine, shot of liquor
    • DC 20: glass of fine wine, shot of aged liquor,
    • DC 25: mug of dwarven ale, glass of elven wine
    • DC 30: shot of dwarven moonshine
  • Each subsequent drink consumed increases the DC of the saving throw by 1.
  • On a success the creature either remains sober or maintains their current level of drunkenness.
  • On a fail the creature gains 1 level of drunkenness according to the table below.
  • If a creature fails the DC by 10 or more, they gain 2 levels of drunkenness.
  • A creature with levels of drunkenness will naturally sober up at the rate of 1 level per hour.
  • A lesser restoration spell will remove 1 level of drunkenness and a greater restoration spell will remove all levels of drunkenness.
  • A creature can hide their drunkenness by rolling a Deception check vs another creatures Passive Insight.
1 Tipsy Gain advantage on 1 ability check or saving throw within one minute of becoming tipsy the first time
2 Drunk Disadvantage on ability checks
3 Wasted If moving more than half your speed, roll a Constitution saving throw to avoid falling prone
4 Slammed Gain temporary hit points for 1 hour equal to the DC of the succeeded Constitution saving throw to resist becoming smashed
5 Smashed Disadvantage on attack rolls & saving throws
6 Blackout Incapacitated and speed reduced to 0
7 Alcohol Poisoning Hit points are dropped to 0

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