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Expanded Adventuring Gear

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Adventuring Gear

The items below expand the list of items and gear available on the Adventuring Gear, supply shop, general store page.    
Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Animal call 20 gp ⁠— Hacksaw Snowshoes 15 gp 8 lb
Armor maintenance kit 1 gp 1 lb -Common 5 gp 1 lb Spider poles 35 gp 8 lb
Banner/standard 30 gp 10 lb -Superior 20 gp 1 lb Sprayer 15 gp 4 lb
Barbed wire (50 ft) 75 gp 35 lb Hammock 5 gp 1 lb Springwall 60 gp 1 lb
Bolt cutters 6 gp 5 lb Insect netting 200 gp 5 lb Stilts 5 gp 8 lb
Book, false 30 gp 2 lb Jeweler's loupe 20 gp ⁠— Tarp 5 gp 30 lb
Brewmaker, dwarven 40 gp 5 lb Lantern, fog-cutter 20 gp 3 lb Teepee 60 gp 100 lb
Cage Listening cone 20 gp 1 lb Tent, one-person 5 gp 10 lb
-Tiny 15 gp 25 lb Magnet, small 10 gp ⁠1 lb Tent, four-person 20 gp 40 lb
-Small 25 gp 75 lb Money belt 4 gp ⁠— Tent, pavilion 100 gp 300 lb
-Medium 50 gp 100 lb Music box 35 gp ⁠— Tools, farming
-Large 75 gp 200 lb Net, butterfly 10 gp 1/4 lb -Hoe 3 gp 2 lb
Crossbow sight, gnome 150 gp 1 lb Percolator 1 gp 1 lb -Billhook 5 gp 2 lb
Candle, insectbane 1 sp ⁠— Periscope 20 gp 2 lb -Post-hole digger 4 gp 8 lb
Earplugs 3 gp ⁠— Quiver scabbard 10 gp 2 lb -Pitchfork 2 gp 4 lb
Fishing tackle 20 gp 5 lb Rope, elven (20 ft.) 50 gp 5 lb -Rake 1 gp 3 lb
Flotation bags 5 gp 1 lb Saw, folding 2 gp 2 lb Tongs, metal 3 gp 4 lb
Fowler's snare 20 gp 5 lb Shriek rock 3 gp 1/4 lb Tree stand 15 gp 5 lb
Glass cutter 2 gp 1 lb Skis and poles 15 gp 6 lb Tree tent, elven 30 gp 5 lb
Grappling hook, collapsible 3 gp 2 lb Slate board 5 gp 1 lb Twine, roll, (50 ft.) 1 sp ⁠—
Grappling ladder (10 ft.) 40 gp 8 lb Snorkel 1 gp 1/2 lb Wick (50 ft) 2 sp ⁠—
    Animal Call. Crafted out of bone, metal, or wood, these special whistles are designed to mimic a specific animal voice—usually game animals and birds. An animal call provides advantage on Survival checks when attempting to hunt these sorts of animals for food.   Armor Maintenance Kit. Composed of polishes, rags, replacement fasteners, wire brushes, and leather strips, this kit is indispensable in keeping armor in top form. An armor maintenance kit allows a creature to spend an hour repairing a suit of armor, imposing disadvantage on the next attack against the wearer that doesn't already have disadvantage. One use per kit.   Banner/Standard. A banner is a large cloth emblazoned with a heraldic device. It is used to display a personal, family, or royal crest, or as identification on the battlefield. The price given is for a simple banner made from cotton and cheaper materials—the fancier the banner, the higher the cost. A creature who can see their banner gains advantage on saving throws against being frightened or losing morale. A banner doubles the visibility distance of the wielder to other creatures.   Barbed Wire. This is a roll of barbed steel wire designed to keep things in or out. A creature trying to cross barbed wire must make a DC 10 Dexterity save or take 1d3 piercing damage and become prone. A pair of thick gloves is necessary to set up barbed wire. A handler who does not have gloves needs to succeed on a DC 5 Dexterity check each round or take 1d2 piercing damage. Building a barbed wire obstacle takes 1d4+6 hours, including anchor posts.   Bolt Cutters. This cutting tool can cut through chains, thin metal, and iron bars. When used against objects (usually metal) that are no thicker than 1 inch in diameter, bolt cutters deal 15 points of damage to that item, including any modifier for Strength. Bolt cutters cannot be used effectively as a weapon (other than as a clumsy club).   Book, False. This is a large, well-made tome with a hollowed-out middle section. It comes with a clasp and very simple lock (DC 20 Thieves' Tools). The false book forms a very tight seal when closed, making the interior space waterproof and allowing it to float.   Brewmaker, Dwarven. Treasured among dwarven warriors in the field, the brewmaker is a pressurized container that vaguely resembles a percolator. When water, hops, and other ingredients are added, it creates a thin beer in only a week. The taste is dreadful, but thirsty soldiers take what they can get.   Cage. A typical cage consists of a solid metal or wooden top and bottom, solid metal bars equally spaced around the sides, and a door. It has a latch, but any lock must be purchased separately.   Candle, Insectbane. This heavily scented candle smells pleasant to humans and humanoids but is repellent to insects. Nonmonstrous vermin will not approach within a 5-foot radius of a burning candle. It burns for 1 hour.   Crossbow Sight, Gnome. This device comes in two parts: an eyepiece that attaches to the stock of a crossbow and a sight that is affixed to the end of the weapon. When calibrated properly, the sights allow the user to focus more carefully on a target. The Gnome Crossbow Sight increases a crossbow's range by x1.5.   Earplugs. Made from solid sponge or cork, you become deafened and immune to thunder damage while wearing them. An action can be used to don the earplugs and minor action to doff.   Fishing Tackle. More than a mere fishhook, this set includes birch poles, silk line, sinkers, hooks, lures, and tackle box. It provides advantage on Survival checks when gathering food around bodies of water that contain fish.   Flotation Bags. These are inflatable animal bladders sewn to lightweight leather for strength. Flotation bags grant advantage on Constitution saving throws against exhaustion when swimming for more than an hour. The bags impose disadvantage on saves when underwater, as the swimmer has to fight the bags’ tendency to float. It takes an action to inflate flotation bags and a minor action to deflate them.   Fowler’s Snare. This is a specially designed snare, used for capturing birds and other small flying game. A fowler's snare provides advantage on Survival checks when attempting to trap these sorts of creatures.   Glass Cutter. This special device lets you cut through glass panes without cracking or shattering them in the process. The glass cutter makes a circular hole anywhere from 3 inches to 16 inches in diameter. To use it quietly, make a DC 15 Dexterity check. If the check fails, the glass shatters with a loud crash. You can use your Thieves' Tools instead if you are proficient with those tools.   Grappling Hook, Collapsible. This small grappling hook has flat, retractable tines that fold out to create a working hook. It functions exactly like a normal grappling hook, except that it requires a DC 20 Investigation check for another creature to find when folded up and hidden among your garments.   Grappling Ladder. This is a pre-made rope ladder with two small grappling hooks on one end. The given price and weight is per 10 feet of ladder.   Hacksaw. This blade is designed to cut through thin metal. It ignores the AC of any normal metal objects (excluding exotic metals like mithral or adamantine) that it is cutting, but deals only 1 point of damage per 2 rounds of sawing. A common blade lasts for 20 rounds, while a superior blade lasts for 40 rounds.   Hammock. This portable sling is a favorite of sailors and rangers. It is hung up between two posts or trees to create a comfortable bed that is off the ground.   Insect Netting. This is a 10-foot-by-20-foot rectangle of very light woven fabric designed to keep small insects from getting through. If properly set up, it keeps away mosquitoes, bees, and other ordinary vermin. It does not prevent monstrous vermin from getting through.   Jeweler’s Loupe. This magnifying eyepiece grants creatures proficient with Jewler's Tools advantage on checks to appraise the value of gemstones and jewelry, and grants creatures proficient with Calligrapher's supplies, Glassblower's tools, Painter's supplies, Potter's tools, Weaver's tools, or Woodcarver's tools advantage to appraise the value of art objects.   Lantern, Fog-Cutter. This bullseye lantern has a special amber lens that allows light to reach farther through mist, fog, and smoke than that from regular lanterns. It illuminates a cone 40 feet long and 10 feet wide at the end, even in lightly obscured areas, and it burns for 6 hours on a pint of oil. You can carry a lantern in one hand.   Listening Cone. When raised to your ear and listened through as an action, this device grants you advantage on a Perception check related to hearing within 30 feet of you.   Magnet, Small. This small magnet can be used to attract loose metal items or stick to ferrous objects. It is only powerful enough to attract metal that weighs 3 ounces or less.   Money Belt. This cloth pouch is designed to be worn under clothing and can hold up to 50 coins. The DC for a Sleight of Hand check to take something from a money belt is +5 higher than normal.   Music Box. A tiny box with a small handle that, when turned, produces delicate music (a single song). The precise skill to create one usually means that it is made from the finest metals and covered with gems.   Net, Butterfly. This is a slender rod with a metal hoop on one end, covered by a sack made from insect netting. It’s used to capture ordinary flying insects, vermin, and small birds without harming them. A butterfly net grants advantage on checks made to grapple tiny creatures. Treat this as a net (see Blacksmith, armor & weapon shop) in all respects, except that it is not thrown.   Percolator. Considered the most important part of a mess kit, a percolator boils water to make coffee and other, more exotic hot drinks. If used in desperation as an improvised weapon, the contents of a full boiling percolator deal 1d3 fire damage with a range of 5 feet.   Periscope. This is a small handheld periscope, about a foot long, that allows you to look over obstacles or around corners without exposing yourself to danger.   Quiver Scabbard. Cleverly designed, this quiver (for either arrows or bolts) has a hidden scabbard that can hold a relatively small weapon, such as a shortsword, handaxe, or dagger. It requires a DC 20 Investigation check to locate a weapon hidden within.   Rope, Elven. Elven rope is finer than silk but as strong as a chain. It has 4 hit points and can be burst with a DC 20 Strength check. Coils of elven rope are sold in 20-foot lengths and are extremely rare outside of elven settlements.   Saw, Folding. This camp saw breaks down into one slender package for easy carrying. It cuts through 4 inches of soft wood or 2 inches of hard wood per round. A folding saw is ineffective as a weapon.   Shriek Rock. Created by halfling artisans, these flat stones have carefully drilled holes that cause a loud, high-pitched “shriek” when thrown hard. This sound is as loud as a human screaming in a shrill voice that can be heard up to 100 feet away. A shriek rock has a 50% chance to be destroyed or lost when thrown.   Skis and Poles. Skis allow full movement across snow and icy surfaces but cannot be used at all on any other terrain. Your speed increases by 15 feet on a flat surface and by 60 feet going downhill. It takes an action to don or doff skis.   Slate Board. This is a 1-foot-square piece of slate, used for writing on with chalk.   Snorkel. A 1-foot-long slender tube that allows you to breathe while submerged. You can remain underwater indefinitely as long as you stay just under the surface.   Snowshoes. These allow the wearer to ignore difficult terrain caused by snow or ice. Snowshoes take 1 minute to don and an action to doff.   Spider Poles. This assortment of metal poles can be collapsed into a small, lightweight bundle. Each pole is hollow, 1 foot long and 3/4 inch thick. When unfolded, the poles snap into a variety of positions, forming a semirigid ladder 10 feet high or an articulated frame 5 feet square. The poles can withstand up to 200 pounds of weight before the structure collapses and is ruined.   Sprayer. This is a small storage drum attached to a large handle and pump. The drum is filled with liquid, usually water, although oil and holy water are commonly used as well (acid is a poor choice, as it eats away the container in a few rounds). When pumped (an action) the sprayer creates a dense cloud of vapor 10 feet long. Because the particles are so fine, the cloud lasts for only a moment and does not drift to adjacent squares. The drum contains enough liquid to last for three pumps before needing to be refilled.   Springwall. This gnome-crafted device consists of a very thin wire mesh that is tightly wrapped up into a ball roughly the size of a fist. When the ball is thrown and strikes a hard surface, it springs open, creating a flexible metal mesh wall 10 feet high and 10 feet wide (5 hp). The extremely thin mesh is difficult to see, requiring a Passive Perception of 15. A creature who walks or runs into the mesh must make a DC 15 Dexterity save to avoid being restrained as if by a net (see Blacksmith, armor & weapon shop). Once the springwall has been used in this manner, it cannot be used again.   Stilts. These wooden stilts strap to your legs, increasing your height by 2 feet. They require a DC 5 Acrobatics check each time you move to not fall prone, and you have disadvantage on saving throws against being knocked prone. You can also buy taller stilts: For each additional foot in height, increase the Acrobatics check DC by 5 and add 10 gp to the cost. You cannot dash on stilts.   Tarp. This is a 10-foot-square piece of sturdy canvas with metal eyelets in the corners and edges.   Teepee. Used primarily by nomads, a teepee provides excellent shelter against the elements. It takes 1 hour to set up and half an hour to take down. A typical teepee provides enough room to comfortably fit eight medium creatures. It requires a horse, donkey, or mule (or wagon) to transport effectively.   Tent, One-Person. A tent designed to shelter one medium creature.   Tent, Four-Person. A Large tent that can comfortably fit four medium creatures.   Tent, Pavilion. A Huge open-air canopy, plus stakes, poles, and ropes. It can comfortably fit twenty medium creatures underneath.   Tongs, Metal. These are 1-foot-long metal tongs used to pick up objects without touching them directly.   Tools, Farming. Typical farming and gardening tools often found in the hands of commoners. They have wooden shafts or handles and iron heads. They can be used as improvised weapons.   Tree Stand. This portable platform gives hunters a stable surface above the ground. In dense leaves, the tree stand provides advantage on Stealth checks against anyone on the ground and doubles the range of vision.   Tree Tent, Elven. A cleverly designed and very comfortable one-person tent that suspends itself in the branches of trees. Due to its coloration and shape, it grants advantage on Stealth checks against being spotted from the ground.   Twine, Roll. A roll of sturdy twine. It has 1 hp, but when tightly wrapped around an object, it has the same strength as hemp rope (2 hp).   Wick. This is treated wick can be used as a timing device, a fuse, or for creating candles. One inch of wick burns in 30 seconds. The flame is as strong as that of a candle, so it is easily snuffed out by wind, rain, and the like.

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