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Expanded Alchemy Items

Alchemy Items

The Alchemist Supplies artisan's tools allows characters to make many marvelous substances. The items below expand the list of alchemical items available on the Adventuring Gear, supply shop, general store page.
Item Cost Weight
Bladefire 20 gp 1 lb
Bullet, acid 10 gp 1/2 lb
Bullet, flame 20 gp 1/2 lb
Bullet, priest's 25 gp 1/2 lb
Clearbreath 50 gp
Defoliator 20 gp 1 lb
Dehydrated Food 2 gp 1/4 lb
Dwarfblind Stone 50 gp 1 lb
Everburning Torch 110 gp 1 lb
Farflame Oil 2 gp 1 lb
Ghost Oil 50 gp 1 lb
Motelight 20 gp 1 lb
Smokestick 20 gp 1/2 lb
Sparkstone 50 gp 1 lb
Stonebreaker Acid 20 gp 1 lb
Sunrod 2 gp 1 lb
Thunderstone 30 gp 1 lb
Tindertwig 1 gp
Bladefire. Similar to alchemist’s fire but less volatile, this thick, adhesive liquid ignites when exposed to air. Bladefire is typically poured along the length of a bladed weapon, causing the weapon to burn for a short period of time. A weapon treated with bladefire burns for 1d6 rounds. While burning, the weapon sheds light as a torch. A weapon treated with bladefire deals 1 additional point of fire damage with each successful hit. One flask of bladefire contains enough liquid to coat one weapon, which can be applied as an action. Bladefire is thick enough that once applied, it does not flow down the weapon, preventing it from harming the user. Flammable objects not worn or carried catch fire if an action is used to hold a burning weapon against the object.   Bullet, Acid. These hollow glass sling bullets are filled with acid. When they strike a target, they immediately shatter, dealing 1d4 points of acid damage in addition to the normal damage from the sling bullet. To hold sufficient acid, these bullets must be larger than normal. The increased size makes the bullets awkward and unwieldy to launch, imposing a –2 penalty on the attack roll.   Bullet, Flame. These hollow glass sling bullets are filled with alchemist’s fire. When they strike a target, they immediately shatter and the alchemist’s fire ignites, dealing 1d4 fire damage in addition to the normal damage from the sling bullet.   Bullet, Priest’s. These hollow glass bullets are filled with holy water. When they strike a target, they immediately shatter, dousing the target with holy water. Fiends and undead take 1d4 radiant damage from the holy water in addition to the normal damage from the sling bullet.   Clearbreath. This vial of gray smoke temporarily dulls the sense of smell when someone inhales the contents through the nose as an action. Clearbreath provides advantage on Constitution saves made to resist unpleasant odors (such as a troglodyte’s stench). The effects of clearbreath last for 1 hour.   Defoliator. This vile liquid has a muddy brown hue and smells of rotten plant life. You can throw a flask of defoliator as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the flask shatters and the liquid deals 2d4 necrotic damage to plant creatures and kills normal plants of medium size or smaller.   Dehydrated Food. Explorers and adventurers of all sorts benefit from alchemically dried food. Although expensive, dehydrated food only weighs a quarter of an equivalent supply of trail rations, making it ideal for long journeys where water is plentiful and food is scarce. Characters eating dehydrated food must consume twice as much water per day than normal.   Dwarfblind Stone. Dwarfblind stones are small stones treated with alchemical substances, giving them a faint purple sheen. You can throw this stone as an action at a point you choose within 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it releases a burst of violet light. The light illuminates a 10-foot radius from the point of origin for an instant and creatures within the area must roll a DC 15 Dexterity save or lose their darkvision ability until the end of your next turn. A dwarfblind stone has a 50% chance to be destroyed or lost when thrown.   Everburning Torch. This otherwise normal torch burns endlessly, providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The everburning torch releases no heat, does not ignite flammable objects, and can be covered with a cloth to hide the flame.   Farflame Oil. This thin, light blue lamp oil burns with a blue flame and illuminates a wide area. When used in a lamp or lantern, farflame oil doubles the distance of bright and dim light but burns twice as fast. A pint of farflame oil covers a 5-foot square area if poured on the ground. If lit, farflame oil burns for 1 round and deals 1d4 fire damage to each creature in the area.   Ghostoil. This clear oil has a slight tint of gray, and strange, wispy forms seem to swirl through it. When applied to a weapon, ghostoil allows it to affect creatures on the ethereal plane normally for the next 2 rounds. One flask of ghostoil contains enough liquid to coat one weapon, which takes an action to apply.   Motelight. This flask contains a clear liquid filled with faintly glowing sparks of light. You can throw a flask as an action at a point you choose within 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), the flask shatters and the liquid creates a 5-foot radius area from the point of origin filled with rapidly moving sparks until the end of your next turn. The sparks are distracting, but they cause no damage. Creatures within the area who are concentrating on a spell must roll a Concentration check against a DC equal to 10 + the spell's level, or lose the spell.   Smokestick. This alchemically treated wooden stick creates obscuring smoke when ignited. The short wick gives you enough time to throw it at a point you choose within 20 feet. The smoke lightly obscures a 10-foot cube until the end of your next turn when it dissipates.   Sparkstone. These alchemical devices actually resemble fist-sized lumps of hard, gray clay. You can throw this stone as an action at a point you choose within 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it releases short arcs of electricity. Two random creatures within 10 feet of the point of origin must roll a DC 15 Dexterity save or take 1d6 lightning lightning. A sparkstone has a 50% chance to be destroyed or lost when thrown.   Stonebreaker Acid. This special form of acid affects only stone. You can throw stonebreaker acid as an action at a point you choose within 20 feet. Stonebreaker acid ignores any damage threshold and deals 3d10 acid damage to any stone in a 5- foot radius around the point of origin. At the start of your next 2 turns, the acid deals an additional 2d10 acid damage to stone in the area.   Sunrod. This 1 foot long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It provides bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.   Thunderstone. You can throw this stone as an action at a point you choose within 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang that can be heard 300 feet away. Each creature within 10 feet of the point of origin must make a DC 15 Constitution save or be deafened until the end of your next turn. A thunderstone has a 50% chance to be destroyed or lost when thrown.   Tindertwig. The alchemicalsubstance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwich is much faster than crating a flame with flint and steel and tine. Lighting a torch with a tindertwich is a minor action (rather than an action) and lighting any other fire with one is at least an action.

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