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Expanded Arms and Weapons



Martial Melee Weapons

*No requirement but can be enhanced with proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat or other listed means
**This weapon requires proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat or other listed means
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Axe, orc double** 60 gp 1d8 slashing / 1d8 slashing 15 lb Heavy, special, versatile (1d10)
Battlepick, gnome 10 gp 1d6 piercing 5 lb Special, versatile (1d8)
Chain, spiked** 25 gp 2d4 piercing 10 lb Reach, special, two-handed
Claw bracer 30 gp 1d4 piercing 2 lb Finesse, light
Dagger, punching 2 gp 1d4 piercing 1 lb Finesse, light, special
Duom* 30 gp 1d8 piercing 8 lb Heavy, reach, special, two-handed
Falchion 55 gp 2d4 slashing 8 lb Heavy, finesse
Flail, dire** 90 gp 1d8 bludgeoning / 1d8 bludgeoning 10 lb Heavy, special, two-handed
Fullblade** 100 gp 2d8 slashing 23 lb Heavy, special, two-handed
Gauntlet, bladed 30 gp 1d6 slashing 4 lb Finesse, light
Gauntlet, spiked 5 gp 1d4 piercing 1 lb Finesse, light
Greatsword, mercurial* 600 gp 2d6 slashing 17 lb Heavy, special, two-handed
Guisarme* 30 gp 2d4 slashing 12 lb Heavy, reach, special, two-handed
Gyrspike** 90 gp 1d8 bludgeoning / 1d8 slashing 20 lb Heavy, special
Khopesh 20 gp 1d8 slashing 12 lb ⁠Special
Longsword, mercurial* 400 gp 1d8 slashing 6 lb Special, versatile (1d10)
Lucerne hammer 12 gp 2d4 piercing 10 lb Heavy, reach, special, two-handed
Mace, double** 125 gp 1d8 bludgeoning / 1d8 bludgeoning 25 lb Heavy, special, two-handed
Manti 15 gp 1d8 piercing 9 lb Special, two-handed
Nunchaku** 2 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 2 lb Finesse, light, special
Panther Claw 75 gp 1d4 piercing or slashing 2 lb Finesse, light, special
Ranseur* 30 gp 2d4 piercing 12 lb Reach, special, two-handed
Sai** 1 gp 1d4 piercing 2 lb Finesse, light, special
Sapara 15 gp 1d6 slashing 6 lb Finesse, light, special
Scimitar, double** 125 gp 1d6 slashing / 1d6 slashing 15 lb Finesse, heavy, special, two-handed
Scythe 18 gp 2d4 piercing or slashing 6 lb Heavy, special, two-handed
Spiked armor +50 gp 1d6 piercing +10 lb Light, special
Spiked shield 20 gp 1d6 piercing 11 lb ⁠Special
Stump knife 8 gp 1d4 piercing 2 lb Finesse, light, special
Sword, two-bladed** 100 gp 1d8 slashing / 1d8 slashing 10 lb Heavy, special, two-handed
Three-section-staff** 4 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 8 lb Finesse, special, two-handed
Tiger claws 5 gp 1d4 piercing 2 lb Finesse, light, special
Urgosh, dwarven** 50 gp 1d8 piercing / 1d6 piercing 12 lb Heavy, special
War fan 30 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lb Finesse, light, special
Waraxe, dwarven* 30 gp 1d10 slashing 8 lb Heavy, special
Whip-dagger* 25 gp 1d6 slashing 4 lb Finesse, reach, special

Martial Ranged Weapons

*No requirement but can be enhanced with proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat or other listed means
**This weapon requires proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat or other listed means
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Bolas, two-ball* 5 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb Special, thrown (range 10/30)
Bow of Mighty Pulling 500 gp 1d8 piercing 4 lb Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, special, two-handed
Calculus, gnome** 50 gp ⁠— 2 lb Ammunition (range 50/150), special
Chakram 15 gp 1d4 slashing 2 lb Special, thrown (range 30/90)
Crossbow, great 100 gp 1d12 piercing 15 lb Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, loading, special, two-handed
Crossbow, repeating 250 gp 1d8 piercing 6 lb Ammunition (range 80/320), special, two-handed
Double bow, elven* 1,000 gp 1d8 piercing 15 lb Ammunition (range 90/360), heavy, special, two-handed
Fukimi-bari 1 gp 1 piercing 1/10 lb Special, thrown (range 5/15)
Gauntlet, spring-loaded 200 gp 1d4 piercing 4 lb Ammunition (range 20/60)
Harpoon 15 gp 1d10 piercing 10 lb Ammunition (range 30/120), heavy, loading, special, two-handed
Javelin, spinning 2 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb Special, thrown (range 50/200)
Shotput, orc* 10 gp 2d6 bludgeoning 15 lb Special, thrown (range 10/30)
Skiprock, halfing 3 gp 1d3 bludgeoning 1/4 lb Special, thrown (range 10/30)


Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Arrow, alchemist's 51 gp as weapon plus fire 1/5 lb Special
Arrow, blunt 5 sp bludgeoning as weapon 1/5 lb Special
Arrow, flight 8 gp as weapon 1/5 lb Special
Arrow, signal 5 sp as weapon 1/5 lb Special
Arrow, thundering 2 gp ⁠as a thunderstone 1/3 lb Special
Bolt, tumbling 5 gp as weapon +2 1/5 lb Special

Weapon Descriptions

Arrow, Alchemist’s. Each of these projectiles carries a deadly load of alchemist’s fire in its hollow shaft. When it strikes a target, the arrow’s shaft shatters, releasing the alchemist’s fire directly onto the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.   Arrow, Blunt. These arrows have wooden tips specially crafted to deal subdual damage instead of normal damage. These can be used to knock a creature unconscious when reduced to 0 hit points at range instead of killing it.   Arrow, Flight. The light shaft and special design of this masterwork arrow increases a bow’s range increment by 50 feet.   Arrow, Signal. This arrow is specially designed to emulate a bird’s call when fired. Elven fletchers craft the arrows to make calls that will be recognized as signals by the elves of the community. For example, a hawk’s cry might signal an attack, and an owl’s screech might signal a stealthy advance. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Nature) check determines whether the sound comes from a bird or another source. The intricate carving on the arrow shafts makes them clumsy in flight, imposing disadvantage on attack rolls.   Arrow, Thunder. Thunder arrows are tipped with thunderstones. A thunder arrow deals no damage but when it strikes a hard surface, it creates a deafening bang that can be heard 300 feet away. Each creature within 10 feet of the point of origin must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be deafened until the end of your next turn.   Axe, Orc Double. This weapon requires proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and orcs, half-orcs, and creatures with the Dual Wielder Feat are automatically proficient. The orc double axe has heads on either end of the haft. Creatures with proficiency can fight with it as if fighting with two light weapons, treating the second head as the off-hand weapon. In non-proficient hands, it's treated as a battleaxe with the heavy and versatile (1d10) properties.   Battlepick, Gnome. A gnome battlepick is crafted and weighted to be used by creatures of small size. A medium creature can only wield the weapon one-handed, but a small creature can use it as a two-handed weapon to activate its versatile (1d8) feature. On a critical hit, the weapon deals either an extra 1d6 (if one-handed) or 1d8 (if two-handed) damage.   Bolas, Two-Ball. This weapon can be used with or without proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat. A set of two-ball bolas consists of two heavy wooden spheres connected by lengths of cord. It is an improvised weapon unless a creature is proficient with it. If you hit, your opponent falls prone unless they succeed a Strength saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + the attack bonus you used to attack with. Bolas can only trip medium size or smaller targets.   Bolt, Tumbling. A tumbling bolt resembles a standard crossbow bolt except for a few minuscule holes and vents along the shaft. A channel allows air to pass through the bolt, which causes the bolt to tumble when fired. The bolt deals +2 damage but only has one-half its normal range due to the way the projectile moves through the air.   Bow of Mighty Pulling. Made of thick but flexible wood, this longbow allows its wielder to put all of its strength into a shot. While using the bow of mighty pulling, the wielder may use its Strength modifier for attacks and damage rolls instead of Dexterity.   Calculus, Gnome. This weapon requires proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat to use, and Gnomes are automatically proficient. This over-sized sling is made to fire flasks filled with liquid. Common ammunition includes acid, alchemist’s fire, and other alchemical substances. Alchemical ammunition deals damage according to its properties, but it's no longer considered an improvised weapon and gains the range of the gnome calculus.   Chain, Spiked. This weapon requires proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat to use. If you hit, your opponent can be grappled unless they succeed on a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your attack bonus. A creature who is already grappled by the spiked chain can be attacked again with the chain but instead rolls the Strength save to prevent being knocked prone. Once a creature is grappled by the chain, the condition lasts until a creature uses an action to untether the chain or the attacker lets go of the chain.   Chakram. The chakram is a throwing disk or quoit about 1 foot in diameter, with a sharpened outer rim. On a critical hit, the weapon deals an extra 1d4 damage.   Claw Bracer. A claw bracer is a metal armband with three steel claws projecting from the top, extending about 4 inches beyond the tip of the wearer’s extended fingers. The wearer can cast spells normally while wearing the bracer and cannot be disarmed. Many claw bracers are enhanced as magic weapons.   Crossbow, Great. A great crossbow requires two hands to use effectively. You draw a great crossbow back by turning a winch. Loading a great crossbow is an action that provokes an attack of opportunity.   Crossbow, Repeating. The repeating crossbow removes the loading property from the light crossbow, allowing the wielder to use their extra attacks as they would with a short or longbow.   Dagger, Punching. This dagger puts more force from your punch behind it, making it capable of deadly strikes. On a critical hit, this weapons deals an extra 1d4 damage.   Double Bow, Elven. This weapon can be used with or without proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and elves and half-elves are automatically proficient. This double-stringed longbow can be used as a normal longbow by anyone proficient with that weapon. Creatures who are proficient with the elven double bow can use it to fire two arrows at once. If two arrows are nocked, the creature can then treat the weapon as if they were fighting with two light weapons, treating the second arrow as the off-hand weapon.   Duom. This weapon can be enhanced with the Polearm Master Feat. The duom is a longspear with a standard spearhead, as well as two blades curved so that they point backward along the shaft. Creatures with the Polearm Master Feat can replace the damage die for their bonus action attack with the duom's 1d8.   Falchion. This sword, which is essentially a two-handed scimitar, has a curve that give it the effect of a keener edge.   Flail, Dire. This weapon requires proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and creatures with the Dual Wielder Feat are automatically proficient. A dire flail has a ball and chain on either end of the haft. You can fight with it as if fighting with two light weapons, treating the second flail as the off-hand weapon. You have advantage when attempting to disarm your opponent with this weapon.   Fukimi-Bari (Mouth Darts). These slim, almost needle-like metal darts are concealed in the mouth, then spit at the target. Their effective range is extremely short, and they deal little damage, but they are highly useful when taking an opponent by surprise. You can fire up to three fukimi-bari per attack (all at the same target). Do not apply your ability modifier to damage with fukimi-bari. They are too small to carry the extra force that a character usually imparts to a thrown weapon. The cost and weight are for a single fukimi-bari.   Fullblade. This weapon requires proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and creatures with the Great Weapon Master Feat or the Great Weapon Fighting Style are automatically proficient. A fullblade is 18 inches longer than a greatsword and is also called an ogre’s greatsword. A medium creature can only effectively wield it with two hands if it's proficient with it. A large creature can use the fullblade one-handed with disadvantage, with two hands as a martial weapon, or as a one-handed martial weapon if it's proficient.   Gauntlet, Bladed. The bladed gauntlet has two blades that extend from the back of the wrist following the line of the forearm. Your opponent cannot use a disarm action to disarm you of bladed gauntlets. The cost and weight are for a single gauntlet. An attack with a bladed gauntlet is considered an armed attack.   Gauntlet, Spiked. Your opponent cannot use a disarm action to disarm you of spiked gauntlets. The cost and weight given are for a single gauntlet. An attack with a spiked gauntlet is considered an armed attack.   Gauntlet, Spring-Loaded. This gauntlet possesses a broad ridge of metal that extends along the bottom of the forearm to the edge of the wrist articulation, where a circular orifice is visible. This ridge of metal hides a spring-loaded mechanism that can expel a bolt with great force, akin to a miniscule crossbow. You load the gauntlet by inserting a bolt in the hole and pulling back a hidden lever. You fire the spring-loaded gauntlet by sighting down your arm, then flip your hand back so that your palm faces your opponent—this motion fires the gauntlet. The cost and weight are for a single gauntlet.   Greatsword, Mercurial. This weapon can be used with or without proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and creatures with the Great Weapon Master Feat or the Great Weapon Fighting Style are automatically proficient. This huge blade hides a secret reservoir of quicksilver (also called mercury by alchemists) that runs along the interior of the blade in a slender channel. When the blade is vertical, the mercury swiftly fills an interior bulb in the shaft, but when swung, the heavy liquid flows out into the blade, making it heavier. On critical hits, this weapon deals an extra 2d6 damage. In non-proficient hands, this shifting mass penalizes the wielder by imposing disadvantage on attack rolls.   Guisarme. This weapon can be enhanced with the Polearm Master Feat. On a critical hit, the weapon deals an extra 1d4 damage. In non-polearm master hands, the wielder has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets within 5 feet of you..   Gyrspike. This weapon requires proficiency with the Weapon Master Feat. A stout shaft holds a flail on one end and a longsword on the other. You can fight with it as if fighting with two light weapons. You have advantage when attempting to disarm your opponent with this weapon.   Harpoon. The harpoon is a broad-bladed spear forged with barbs. The shaft of the harpoon has a trailing rope attached to control harpooned opponents. Though designed for hunting whales and other large sea creatures, the harpoon can be used on dry land. The harpoon can only be fired if the wielder doesn't move on its turn. If the harpoon deals damage, it lodges in an opponent who fails a Dexterity saving throw against a DC equal to 10 + the damage dealt. The harpooned creature is grappled if it's within 30 feet of the attacker and loses a contested Strength check with the attacker. If the harpooned creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed on a DC 15 Concentration check or fail, losing the spell. A creature can pull the harpoon from the wound as an action, but deals damage to the harpooned creature equal to the initial damage the harpoon dealt. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Medicine check can remove a harpoon without further damage.   Javelin, Spinning. This light, flexible spear intended for ranged attacks resembles a standard javelin except for the spiral grooves that run down its length. You can loop a throwing string around the shaft (the other end is tied to your finger). The string imparts spin to the javelin upon release, improving the weapon’s accuracy, range, and penetrating power by permitting a harder cast. The javelin can be thrown without spinning it, in which case its damage, range, and threat range are those of a standard javelin. If used in melee, treat the spinning javelin as a standard javelin.   Khopesh. This sword has a hook-like blade. On a hit, instead of dealing damage, you can use a khopesh to force the target to fall prone if it fails a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your attack bonus.   Longsword, Mercurial. This weapon can be used with or without proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and creatures with the Dueling Fighting Style (if wielded with one hand), or creatures with Great Weapon Fighting Style or Great Weapon Master Feat (if wielded with two hands) are automatically proficient. This blade hides a secret reservoir of quicksilver (also called mercury by alchemists) that runs along the interior of the blade in a slender channel. When the blade is vertical, the mercury swiftly fills an interior bulb in the shaft, but when swung, the heavy liquid flows out into the blade, making it heavier. On critical hits, this weapon deals either an extra 1d8 (if wielded with one hand) or 1d10 (if wielded with two hands) damage. In non-proficient hands, this shifting mass penalizes the wielder by imposing disadvantage on attack rolls.   Lucerne Hammer. This polearm resembles a pick on a pole and is designed to puncture heavy armor. On a critical hit, this weapon deals an extra 1d4 damage.   Mace, Double. This weapon requires proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and creatures with the Dual Wielder Feat are automatically proficient. A double mace has a stout shaft with a spiked, cylindrical head at each end. You can fight with it as if fighting with two light weapons, treating the second head as the off-hand weapon.   Manti. A manti is a two-handed spear with four additional spear heads that project vertically from the shaft, creating a star pattern of five blade heads instead of just a single forward-pointing blade. On a critical hit, this weapon deals an extra 1d8 damage.   Nunchaku. This weapon requires proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and monks are automatically proficient. You have advantage when attempting to disarm your opponent with this weapon.   Panther Claw. The panther claw looks much like a punch dagger with two extra blades. The weapon retains the punch dagger’s deadly force, and the extra blades are useful for disarming opponents. On a critical hit, this weapon deals an extra 1d4 damage.   Ranseur. This weapon can be enhanced with the Polearm Master Feat. On a critical hit, the weapon deals an extra 1d4 damage. In non-polearm master hands, the wielder has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets within 5 feet of you..   Sai. This weapon requires proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and monks are automatically proficient. You have advantage when attempting to disarm your opponent with this weapon.   Sapara: This sword has a hook-like blade. On a hit, instead of dealing damage, you can use a sapara to force the target to fall prone if it fails a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your attack bonus.   Scimitar, Double. This weapon requires proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and creatures with the Dual Wielder Feat are automatically proficient. The curved blades of the double scimitar are used most effectively when spinning and twirling with the weapon. Despite its size, the weapon benefits more from quick, precise movement than from brute force. You can fight with it as if fighting with two light weapons, treating the second blade as the off-hand weapon.   Scythe. While it resembles the standard farm implement of the same name, this scythe is balanced and strengthened for war. The design of the scythe focuses tremendous force on the sharp point, as well as allowing devastating slashes with the blade edge. On a hit, instead of dealing damage, you can use a scythe to force the target to fall prone if it fails a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your attack bonus.   Shotput, Orc. This weapon can be used with or without proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and orcs and half-orcs are automatically proficient. Special training turns a grapefruit-sized sphere of crude iron into a deadly projectile. On a critical hit, the weapon deals an extra 1d6 damage. In non-proficient hands, the wielder has disadvantage on attack rolls.   Skiprock, Halfling. These polished, perfectly weighted stones are prized by halflings, for if thrown well enough, they ricochet off one target to strike a second. If the skiprock hits its target, it ricochets toward another target of the thrower’s choice within 5 feet of the original target. The thrower immediately makes a second attack roll for the skiprock against the new target, with an attack bonus equal to the first roll –2. Halflings can use skiprocks as sling bullets.   Spiked Armor. You can have spikes added to your armor, which allow you to deal piercing damage on a successful grapple attack. The spikes count as a martial weapon. If you are not proficient with them, you have disadvantage on grapple checks when you try to use them. You can also make a regular melee attack or an off-hand attack with the spikes. Magically enhanced armor also enhances the spikes as magical weapons.   Spiked Shield. Ideal for spellcasters who are proficient in shields and like to be on the front line. It provides the standard defense of a regular shield plus the lethality of a melee weapon in one hand while leaving the other hand free for spells with somatic components.   Stump Knife. A stump knife is akin to a punching dagger, except that it can be securely attached to the stump of a missing forelimb. The stump knife scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. Your opponent cannot disarm you of a stump knife.   Sword, Two-Bladed. This weapon requires proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and creatures with the Dual Wielder Feat are automatically proficient. You can fight with it as if fighting with two light weapons, treating the second blade as the off-hand weapon.   Three-Section Staff. This weapon requires proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and monks are automatically proficient. Originally a farm implement for threshing grain, this weapon is composed of three sections of wood of equal length, joined at the ends by chain, leather, or rope. On a critical hit, this weapon deals an extra 1d8 damage.   Tiger Claws. This is a strap or glove fitted with spikes in the palm and wielded like brass knuckles. Your opponent cannot disarm you of tiger claws. The cost and weight are for a single tiger claw. This can be both a weapon and a climbing tool granting advantage on ability checks related to climbing.   Urgrosh, Dwarven. This weapon requires proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and dwarves and creatures with the Dual Wielder Feat are automatically proficient. The dwarven urgrosh has an axe head on one end of the haft and a spear at the other. It's also called a spear-axe. It's axe head deals 1d8 slashing damage and its spear head deals 1d6 piercing damage. You can use either head as the primary weapon and the other is the off-hand. If you prepare an action to attack an approaching enemy with the spear head on their turn, the spear deals an extra 1d6 points of damage.   War Fan. This weapon appears to the untrained eye as nothing more than a beautifully crafted lady’s fan. In fact, the vanes of the fan are crafted from steel, and the tips are needle-sharp. When first entering melee using a war fan, you may attempt a Deception check against an opponent’s Passive Insight. If you are successful, you gain advantage on attacks made against that foe during the first round of combat.   Waraxe, Dwarven. This weapon can be used with or without weapon proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat, and dwarves and creatures who have the Dueling Fighting Style are automatically proficient. Creatures who are proficient with the dwarven waraxe deal an extra 1d10 damage on critical hits. In non-proficient hands, a medium character can use a dwarven waraxe as a two-handed martial weapon. A large creature can wield it as a one-handed martial weapon.   Whip-Dagger. This weapon can be enhanced with an extra proficiency from the Weapon Master Feat. For creatures with this extra proficiency: if you hit, your opponent can be grappled unless they succeed on a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your attack bonus; and you have advantage when attempting to disarm your opponent with this weapon.  

Special Weapon Materials

The various planes of existence are exotic, other worldly landscapes where even the fundamental elements of the universe may be drastically different than on the Material Plane. Extraplanar weapon-smiths use certain minerals from these planes, particularly the Outer Planes, to make weapons with special qualities, and these weapons sometimes find their way to the Material Plane. Like adamantine and mithral, these materials bestow special properties on the items forged from them, with the particular benefit that these properties are not magical in nature (and thus do not go away in an antimagic field, for example).   Baatorian Green Steel. Deep in the mines of the Nine Hells of Baator, veins of green-flecked iron run through the rock. This rare metal, when alloyed into steel, can be used to create weapons of amazing sharpness. Any slashing or piercing weapon created with Baatorian green steel has a natural enhancement bonus of +1 to attacks and damage. In an area where magic does not function, it still retains its natural +1 enhancement bonus on attacks and damage. The market price modifier for such a weapon is +2,500 gp.   Cold Iron. This iron mined deep underground is forged at a lower temperature to preserve its delicate properties. Cold iron has a natural enhancement bonus of +1 to attacks and damage against fey, fiend, and undead creatures. In an area where magic does not function, it still retains its natural +1 enhancement bonus on attacks and damage. Weapons made of cold iron cost twice as much to make as their normal counterparts.   Darkwood. This rare magic wood is as hard as normal wood but very light. Any wooden or mostly wooden item (such as a bow, an arrow, or a spear) made from darkwood weighs only half as much as a normal wooden item of that type. The market price modifier for such a weapon is +50 gp.   Gehennan Morghuth-Iron. This volcanic mineral is unique to the steep mountains of the Bleak Eternity of Gehenna, where it is occasionally mined by neutral evil fiends called yugoloths and other creatures on that forbidding plane. Morghuth-iron is extremely toxic, rapidly poisoning the blood. A slashing or piercing weapon made of Gehennan morghuth-iron is naturally poisonous. On a hit, the target must roll a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or lose 1 point of Dexterity for 1 minute. The market price modifier for a weapon made of morghuth-iron is +4,000 gp.   Solanian Truesteel. Mined on the fourth layer of the Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia, this fine iron needs no alloy and shines with a silvery gleam. When forged into a weapon, it expands the wielders ability to score a critical by 1. Thus a battle master fighter can score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, and a champion fighter can score a critical hit on a roll of 18, 19, or 20. The market price modifier for such a weapon is +1,000 gp.

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