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Expanded Clothing and Outfits

The items below expand the list of clothing items available on the Adventuring Gear, supply shop, general store page.  
Item Cost Weight
Animal Training Outfit 10 gp 20 lb
Artisan's Outfit 1 gp 4 lb
Beekeeper’s Outfit 9 gp 4 lb
Bodysuit, Black 30 gp 1 lb
Boots, Smuggler’s 10 gp 1 lb
Cloak, Forester’s 20 gp 3 lb
Cold Weather Outfit 8 gp 7 lb
Desert Outfit 6 gp 3 lb
Entertainer's Outfit 3 gp 4 lb
Heatsuit Outfit 20 gp 15 lb
Helmet, Miner’s 1 gp 1 lb
Liturgical Vestments 5 gp 6 lb
Noble's Outfit 75 gp 10 lb
Royal Outfit 200 gp 15 lb
Spelunker’s Outfit 5 gp 9 lb
Sheath, Boot 30 gp
Sheath, Wrist 20 gp
Vest, Knife 25 gp 2 lb
Animal Training Outfit. Essentially beefed-up padded armor, this suit covers a person from head to toe in thick quilted padding, especially around the limbs. It is used as protection by those who specialize in training attack animals, such as dogs. It is very difficult to move in this outfit, so it does not make for good armor. Used as armor, it has the following statistics: AC 12, max Dex +1, and your speed is reduced by half. This does not apply if the character wears any armor.   Artisan's Outfit. This outfit includes a shirt with buttons, a skirt or pants with a drawstring, shoes, and perhaps a cap or hat. It may also include a belt or a leather or cloth apron for carrying tools. This outfit grants advantages on checks made with any Artisan's Tools. This does not apply if the character wears any armor.   Beekeeper’s Outfit. Prevents damage from ordinary vermin of all kinds: bees, ants, centipedes, and so on. The outfit consists of a sealed leather suit and large helmet encased in fine netting. The outfit grants three quarters cover against attacks from creatures that are tiny size. This does not apply if the character wears medium or heavy armor. It provides no protection against larger creatures.   Bodysuit, Black. This very tight-fitting garment is made of black silk. It is used by rogues and infiltrators when sneaking around at night. Wearing the suit grants advantage on Stealth checks in dim light or darkness. However, the bodysuit provides no benefit if you wear other clothing or armor, other than belts, pouches, or bandoleers, on top of it.   Boots, Smuggler’s. These otherwise normal high boots have hinged heels that swing open to reveal small storage spaces. Each can hold one or two tiny objects, such as a vial of poison. In addition, the inside lining of the boot can be removed to hide thin, flat objects like a map or slender dagger. For another creature to locate items hidden in the boots, they must roll a DC 20 Investigation check.   Cloak, Forester’s. Woven from several pieces of green and brown canvas, these large ponchos aid anyone trying to hide in a forest environment. The carefully chosen colors blend in with the vegetation, and the poncho’s loose shape obscures the humanoid form. Forester’s cloaks provide advantage on Stealth checks made in a forest. This does not apply if the character wears medium or heavy armor.   Cold Weather Outfit. A cold weather outfit includes a wool coat, linen shirt, wool cap, heavy cloak, thick pants or skirt, and boots. Creatures wearing this outfit automatically succeed on Constitution saves against exhaustion from extreme cold down to 0 degrees Fahrenheit.   Desert Outfit. This outfit consists of loose, billowy clothing designed to keep the wearer cool and protected from the sun while out in dry, hot, desert terrain. It includes a caftan, turban, scarf, loose pantaloons, and either high boots or low sandals. Creatures wearing this outfit gain advantage on Constitution saves against exhaustion from extreme heat up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This does not apply if the creature wears medium or heavy armor, or is clad in heavy clothing.   Entertainer's Outfit. This set of flashy, perhaps even gaudy, clothes is for entertaining. While the outfit looks whimsical, its practical design lets you tumble, dance, walk a tightrope, or run if the audience turns ugly. Creatures gain advantage on Performance checks while wearing this outfit. This does not apply if the character wears any armor.   Heatsuit Outfit. Clothing designed to protect the wearer against abysmal heat, such as temperatures found around forges and volcanoes. It consists of heavy pants and coat, a specially treated leather apron, very thick mittens, a thick hood, and goggles. The heatsuit outfit grants resistance to fire damage and can withstand environments of up to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This does not apply if the character wears any armor. A heatsuit outfit can only be worn for 2 hours at a time before a short rest is needed, or else the wearer becomes subject to extreme heat with a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit.   Helmet, Miner’s. This metal pot helm has a small enclosure on the front, similar to a bullseye lantern, and is included in the spelunker's outfit. It can hold one candle, which illuminates a cone 10 feet long. The candle is commonly imbued with a light or continual flame spell.   Liturgical Vestments. These ecclesiastical clothes are for performing priestly functions, not for adventuring. Creatures who perform the Religious Service downtime activity while wearing this outfit gains advantage on their Religion or Persuasion check. This does not apply if the character wears any armor.   Mittens, Heatsuit. These very thick mittens are included in the Heatsuit Outfit and can allow a wearer to hold an object with a temperature of up to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit.   Noble's Outfit. This set of clothes is designed specifically to be expensive and to show it. Precious metals and gems are worked into the clothing. To fit into the noble crowd, every would-be noble also needs a signet ring.   Royal Outfit. This is just the clothing, not the royal scepter, crown ring, and other accouterments. Royal clothes are ostentatious, with gems, gold, silk, and fur in abundance.   Spelunker’s Outfit. This outfit is for adventurers planning to travel underground. It consists of water-resistant wool breeches, low sturdy boots, wool shirt, leather coat, belt, plain buckle, bandoleer (for attaching equipment), kneepads, elbow pads, and a miner’s helmet. The outfit grants advantage on Athletics or Acrobatics checks related to climbing or crawling. This does not apply if the character wears medium or heavy armor.   Sheath, Boot. A boot sheath is easily concealed, making it useful for those who want to appear unarmed. Boot sheaths can only hold one small item such as a dagger or wand. For another creature to locate the sheath, they must roll a DC 15 Investigation check. The wearer can use an action to stealthily draw the item by rolling a Sleight of Hand check against the Passive Perception of any creatures with line of sight.   Sheath, Wrist. This sheath fits along the inside of the forearm, allowing weapons stored inside it to be drawn quickly. A wrist sheath can only hold one small item like a dagger or wand. For another creature to locate the sheath, they must roll a DC 15 Investigation check. The wearer can use an action to stealthily draw the item by rolling a Sleight of Hand check against the Passive Perception of any creatures with line of sight.   Vest, Knife. This specially designed vest is worn over other clothing and can comfortably hold up to ten daggers across the chest.

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