Seasons and Holiday Traditions Tradition / Ritual in Yjarth | World Anvil
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Seasons and Holiday Traditions


Each season typically brings a change of climate or natural phenomenon every 1-4 weeks. Depending on the location and culture of the settlements, each season can be colloquially called spring, summer, autumn, winter, second winter, dry season, wet season, insect season, natural disaster season, etc.

Example Effect
Acid Rain, Azalea, Bleeding Hearts +1d4 acid
Winter, Second Winter, Penguin Migration, Haley's Comet, Pussy Willow +1d4 cold
Firefly, Summer, Sozin's Comet, Dry, Marigold +1d4 fire
Tiger Pistol Shrimp, Sandbox Tree +1d4 force
Stingray, Lightning Bug, Eel, Jewel Orchid +1d4 lightning
Autumn, Fall, Halloween, Día de Muertos, Necrosis, Plague +1d4 necrotic
Mosquito, Insect, Bitter Nightshade +1d4 poison
Cicada, Salvia +1d4 psychic
Howler Monkey, Whistling Thorn +1d4 thunder
Rainbow, Honey Fungus +1d4 radiant
Spring, Wet, Easter, Chamomile +1d4 healing
Vernal/Autumnal Equinox, Lavender +1d4 temp hp per in-game day
Summer/Winter Solstice, Ginseng Advantage on arcana checks
Catnip, Locoweed Advantage on animal handling checks
Hyena, Prankster's Day Advantage on deception checks
Lion, Gorilla, Praying Mantis Advantage on intimidation checks
Peacock, Cupid's Day Advantage on persuasion checks
Solar/Lunar Eclipse Brief world-wide antimagic field
Monsoon, Hurricane, Volcano, Tornado, Flood, Earthquake, Storm of Vengeance 1 time catastrophic or disastrous effect
Planetary Alignment 1 free mulligan on any die roll
Galaxy Merging, Plane Merging, Singularity The material plane collides or overlaps briefly with another plane of existence during their celestial movements, causing portals to appear from which outsider creatures are entering the material plane

Holiday Traditions

On the last day of each season, most settlements spend a day to celebrate a holiday tradition. Depending on their location and culture, these celebrations typically focus on themes such as life, fertility, harvest, or survival. If a creature engages in at least 1 hour of celebration on these days then they gain inspiration.


Every 30th day since the beginning of the Age of Humanoids.

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