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The Barking Angels mercenary company

Satyr druid: Zrypeg Scrufflebutt

  • Born of the wild & art of revelry
    • Worships both Ehlonna the goddess of woodlands and Olidammara the god of revelry
    • Nothing wards off bad luck like a jolly dance.
    • Believes there's more to a revel than debauchery, it's a way of life. It's the delight in small things: the song of a bird, a warm breeze, the smell of a tasty pie, relaxing by a river in the sunshine. Life freely offers these gifts and they are more valuable than gold or glory. To revel means to forget the constraints of time, to let go of the future and past, and to be wholly in the present moment. Believes that encountering life with all the senses honors the gods, and—most importantly—it feels really good.
    • Druid of the Old Way NPC statblock + satyr traits
      • Verbal Components: uses pan flutes as substitute for words.

Leonin paladin: Nemea Jadespear

  • Confident & quick to quarrel.
    • Worships Kord the god of athletics and sport.
    • Other people often perceive her as being quick to take offense, intolerant of criticism, or belligerent. The truth is that she simply enjoys fighting, whether verbal or physical. She takes pleasure in arguments, wrestling, sparring, and even battle, enjoying the opportunity to exercise her mind and body.
    • However she isn't inclined to carry grudges. She might react with sudden violence to an insult, but when the fight is over (and her superiority proven), the insult is forgotten—along with the vanquished foe.
    • Nemea is certain every bad thing that happens can ultimately be blamed on the gods, but she rolls her eyes at each new twist of fate and tries to get on with her life.
    • Lion-Hearted: Blackguard NPC ability scores + leonin features
      • Radiant damage added to melee attacks
      • Silvered Maul
      • +2 Bow of Mighty Pulling

Half-orc wizard: Ohm Shalom

  • Perfect memory & prone to predictions of doom.
    • As a young orphan, Ohm was adopted by an enclave of summoners. During their research and experiments, they used his strength to help wrangle the creatures they would summon. Ohm unexpectedly became a quick learner of the arcane arts. He taught himself a cantrip on his own and convinced the enclave to take him on as a full-time apprentice. They never expected him to accomplish much as a professional wizard so his life-goal is to prove all the doubters wrong about his true potential.
    • Diviner NPC statblock + half-orc traits
      • Firebolt: appears as a purple dragon
      • Mage Hand: dragon claw
      • True Strike: eyes roll back into his head and a dot of purple light where his third eye would be glows on his forehead
      • Mage Armor: purple dragon scales
      • Scorching Ray: purple dragons
      • Fireball: expanding purple dragon
      • Ice Storm: purple dragon cold breath
      • True Seeing: a literal third eye grows out of his forehead

Halfling barbarian: Mendel Whistleblower

  • Ravenous appetite & fidgety
    • Mendel left home early without any interest in schooling or discipline. Determined to find his own way in the world, he is self-taught, self-reliant, and very rough around the edges. His surroundings were his classroom; growing up in the wilderness, he was wild and clothed himself in the skins of animals, living like a wolf or bear.
    • As a fierce warrior, Mendel isn't afraid to do whatever it takes to get the job done. He's able to position himself in ways other can't thanks to his stature, which lets him creatively find solutions to defeat opponents who are far stronger than him.
    • Storm Herald archetype, "Super Halfling"
      • Sea Storm Aura: "super halfling aura" shouts for 3 seconds
      • +2 shortbow: "ki blast"
      • +2 Spiked Chain, expanded reach weapon
      • Instinctive Pounce: "instant transmission"

Grung cleric: Doshto the Unforgiving

  • Expert dart thrower and prone to bouts of mesmerizing chirring
    • Worships Trithereon the god of law and retribution.
    • Doshto walks the world looking for the true nature of his faith in lands where things are not so easy and life is not always lived long and happily. Perhaps in time he’ll find his smile again.
    • A red grung who was his tribe's shaman. He was viewed as being overly-aggressive and draconian within his own tribe, who are reknown for being quite aggressive themselves. He decided to exile himself and join an adventuring group where his unforgiving views are more widely accepted until his tribe are ready to accept his philosophy.
    • War priest NPC stat black + grung traits
      • Uses poison excreted from his skin on his piercing weapons
      • Staff of Revelations
Adventuring Party

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