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Wilderness Hazards, Weather, and Natural Disasters



Mists of Ravenloft

A deadly fog surrounds the land of Barovia and engulfs any creature that tries to leave. Even flying creatures are subject to the fog's effects, which are as follows:
  • A creature that starts its turn in the fog must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion (see Player Handout, 5e Rules). This exhaustion can't be removed while the creature is in the fog.
  • No matter how far a creature travels in the fog, or in which direction it goes, it gets turned around so that it eventually finds itself back in Barovia.
  • The area within the fog is heavily obscured (see Adventuring, 5e Rules ).


Some hazards, such as slippery ice and razorvine, require no ability check to spot. Others, such as defiled ground, are undetectable by normal senses. Most can be identified with a successful Intelligence (Nature) check.  

Bog, Quicksand, or Quickslush

10 ft. cube of natural material that restrains creatures who step inside it.
  • The area is difficult difficult terrain. When a creature enters the area or starts its turn there, it sinks 1d4+1 feet & becomes restrained (see Player Handout, 5e Rules). The creature can use an action on its turn to make a DC 12 Strength check to end the condition on itself. A creature who is outside of the hazardous area can also use its action to make the Strength check to end the condition on another creature. If a creature becomes fully submerged in the hazard, it starts suffocating (see Adventuring, 5e Rules).
  • A creature can notice the ground level hazard with a DC 15 Passive Perception check and recognize it with a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Nature) check.

Cacophony Bulrush

Evil druids are known to breed common bulrush with vile flora, giving birth to this twisted kind of plant.
  • If a sound louder than a whisper occus within 30ft of a cluster of Cacophony Bulrush, it is rapidly amplified to an overwhelmingly loud cacophony for 1d3 minutes. This renders creatures within a 60ft radius effectively deaf (see Player Handout, 5e Rules). makes verbal communication impossible, and negates the blindsight and tremorsense abilities. It also produces ultrasonic sounds that disrupt a living creatures sense of balance; creatures who move more than 5ft in a round must make a DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone. If a silence spell or effect is cast upon the crystal itself, these effects end. This hazard is treated as an object.
  • A creature can notice strange bulrushes with a DC 15 Passive Perception check and recognize the hazard with a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Nature) check.

Chimney Mushrooms

A patch of these mushrooms with small stems and a high slender cap resemble a town skyline.
  • If a patch of Chimney Mushrooms is disturbed it releases a thick black cloud of spores that obscures all sight in a 20ft radius area. The area is heavily obscured, and any creature that ends its turn in the area must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. (see Player Handout, 5e Rules) The spores last for 10 minutes or until dissipated with magic or mundane means.
  • A creature can notice this exotic fungi by sight with a DC 16 Passive Perception check and recognize the hazard with a DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Nature) check.

Desecrated Ground

Some cemeteries and catacombs are imbued with the unseen traces of ancient evil. An area of desecrated ground can be any size, and a detect evil and good spell cast within range reveals its presence.
  • Undead standing on desecrated ground have advantage on all saving throws.
  • A vial of holy water purifies a 10-foot-square area of desecrated ground when sprinkled on it, and a hallow spell purifies desecrated ground within its area.

Fog Cloud

A 20-foot-radius sphere of heavily obscuring fog.
  • The sphere spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It lasts until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.

Frigid Water

  • A creature can be immersed in frigid water for a number of minutes equal to its Constitution score before suffering any ill effects. Each additional minute spent in frigid water requires the creature to succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion.
  • Creatures with resistance or immunity to cold damage automatically succeed on the saving throw, as do creatures that are naturally adapted to living in ice-cold water.

Insect Plague

A 20-foot-radius sphere of swarming, biting locusts.
  • The sphere spreads around corners, and its area is lightly obscured. The sphere's area is difficult terrain.
  • When the area appears, each creature in it must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 4d10 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature must also make this saving throw when it enters the spell's area for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.

Luminous Flora

Luminescent flora flourish in the underground, where moss or fungi are the primary sources of natural light. Sometimes these flora can develop defense systems.
  • Creatures passing within 20ft from the moss must make a Constitution saving throw DC 12 or become Poisoned for 1 hour due to the unpleasant smell (see Player Handout, 5e Rules). A 5 ft. patch can be destroyed with fire damage, or a 10 ft. patch with lightning damage.
  • A creature can recognize the hazard by sight with a DC 15 Passive Perception check or with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Survival or Intelligence (Nature) check. The check is made with disadvantage if other harmless luminescent flora is present.

Magic Mushrooms

A patch of mushrooms that appear like normal edible mushrooms but can offer a hallucinatory effect.
  • If ingested the creature must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become Poisoned for 1 hour (see Player Handout, 5e Rules). If successful then the creature spends 1 minute Unconcious while under the hallucinatory effect of the mushrooms. While unconscious the creature involuntarily casts Scrying innately without any components, except the DM chooses a target for the spell based upon the creature's deepest desires at the current moment. The vision of the target can be from the present, recent past, or near future.
  • A creature can recognize the hazard by sight with a DC 15 Passive Perception check or with a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Nature) check. The check is made with disadvantage if other harmless mushrooms are present.


This area is a quagmire, a ground covered in mud and slush.
  • The area is diffult terrain. A creature that ends its turn touching the ground must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or be Restrained (see Player Handout, 5e Rules). A restrained creature can use an action to make a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to get free.
  • A creature can notice the quagmire by sight with a DC 12 Passive Perception check and recognize the hazard by sight with a DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Nature) check.


Razorvine is a plant that grows in wild tangles and hedges. It also clings to the sides of buildings and other surfaces as ivy does.
  • A 10-foot-high, 10-foot-wide, 5-foot-thick wall or hedge of razorvine has AC 11, 25 hit points, and immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and psychic damage.
  • When a creature comes into direct contact with razorvine for the first time on a turn, the creature must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 (1d10) slashing damage from the razorvine's bladelike thorns.

Slippery Ice

Slippery ice is difficult terrain. When a creature moves onto slippery ice for the first time on a turn, it must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone.  

Thin Ice

Thin ice has a weight tolerance of 3d10 × 10 pounds per 10-foot-square area. Whenever the total weight on an area of thin ice exceeds its tolerance, the ice in that area breaks. All creatures on broken ice fall through.  


These mushrooms with pale blue stems and bright blue caps appear as normal mushrooms.
  • When a patch is touched it releases a burst of electricity in a 15ft radius area dealing 4d6 electricity damage. A successful DC 14 Dexterity saving throw halves the damage. After the mushrooms release electricity they are instantaneously destroyed.
  • A creature can notice the exotic fungi by sight with a DC 15 Passive Perception check and recognize the hazard with a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Nature) check.

Spider Web

A 20-foot cubic mass of thick, sticky webbing.
  • The webs are difficult terrain and lightly obscure their area.
  • If the webs aren't anchored between two solid masses (such as walls or trees) or layered across a floor, wall, or ceiling, the web collapses on itself. Webs layered over a flat surface have a depth of 5 feet.
  • Each creature that starts its turn in the webs or that enters them during its turn must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained as long as it remains in the webs or until it breaks free.
  • A creature restrained by the webs can use its action to make a DC 12 Strength check. If it succeeds, it is no longer restrained.
  • The webs are flammable. Any 5-foot cube of webs exposed to fire burns away in 1 round, dealing 2d4 fire damage to any creature that starts its turn in the fire.

Wall of Thorns

A wall of tough, pliable, tangled brush bristling with needle-sharp thorns.
  • Usually up to 60 feet long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick or a circle that has a 20-foot diameter and is up to 20 feet high and 5 feet thick. The wall blocks line of sight.
  • When the wall appears, each creature within its area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 7d8 piercing damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.
  • A creature can move through the wall, albeit slowly and painfully. For every 1 foot a creature moves through the wall, it must spend 4 feet of movement. Furthermore, the first time a creature enters the wall on a turn or ends its turn there, the creature must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. It takes 7d8 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.




  • Minor: Every other round players must pass a DC 14 Constitution save or take 1d6 cold damage. You may consider granting advantage to players wearing heavy furs.
  • Major: Every other round players must pass a DC 17 Constitution save or take 2d6 cold damage. Visibility is reduced to 15 feet and movement becomes difficult.
  • 3+ hours


  • Minor: Players must make a DC 14 Acrobatics check or fall prone to the ground. If players are near large objects they may take 2d8 bludgeoning damage if they are unable to get out of the way.
  • Major: Players must make a DC 17 Acrobatics check or fall prone to the ground. If players are within or near buildings that begin to collapse, players may take 5d8 bludgeoning damage from large chunks of debris if they are unable to get out of the way. Players may also become trapped under rubble if a building collapses.
  • 1-2 minutes

Fire Storm

  • An instantaneous storm made up of sheets of roaring flame suddenly appears. The area of the storm consists of up to ten 10-foot cubes, which can be arranged in any way. Each cube must have at least one face adjacent to the face of another cube.
  • Each creature in the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. It takes 7d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
  • The fire damages objects in the area and ignites flammable objects that aren't being worn or carried. Plant life in the area may or may not be affected.

Gust of Wind

  • A line of strong wind 60 feet long and 10 feet wide blasts in one direction. Each creature that starts its turn in the line must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet in the direction of the wind.
  • Any creature in the line must spend 2 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves when against the wind.
  • The gust disperses gas or vapor, and it extinguishes candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames in the area. It causes protected flames, such as those of lanterns, to dance wildly and has a 50 percent chance to extinguish them.
  • Each round, the direction in which the wind blasts can change.
  • Typically up to 1 minute in duration.


  • Minor: If outdoors, players must make a DC 16 Athletics check to prevent themselves from being swept/blown away. If players are securely holding onto an object, they may make the check with advantage. Players who fail the check fly away 30 feet.
  • Major: If outdoors, players must make a 20 Athletics check to prevent themselves from being swept/blown away. If players are securely holding onto an object, they may make the check with advantage. Players who fail the check fly away 60 feet away. Additionally, large debris is flying around and will cause bludgeoning damage if it strikes a player.
  • 12-24 hours


  • Minor: Reduced visibility to 15 ft+ 1d4 slashing every round.
  • Major: Reduced visibility to 5 ft + 2d4 slashing every round. Players trying to move have half of their normal speed.
  • 2-5 minutes

Storm of Vengance

  • Churning storm clouds suddenly blanket the entire sky 5,000 feet overhead, they each have a 360-foot radius.
  • Lightning flashes in the area, thunder booms, and strong winds roar. Each creature under a cloud when it appears must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d6 thunder damage and becomes deafened for 5 minutes.
  • Each round the storm produces different effects.
  • Round 2. Acidic rain falls from the cloud. Each creature and object under the cloud takes 1d6 acid damage.
  • Round 3. Six bolts of lightning from the cloud strike six creatures or objects of the DM's choice beneath the cloud. A given creature or object can't be struck by more than one bolt. A struck creature must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes 10d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
  • Round 4. Hailstones rain down from the cloud. Each creature under the cloud takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
  • Round 5–10. Gusts and freezing rain assail the area under the cloud. The area becomes difficult terrain and is heavily obscured. Each creature there takes 1d6 cold damage. Ranged weapon attacks in the area are impossible. The wind and rain count as a severe distraction for the purposes of maintaining concentration on spells. Finally, gusts of strong wind (ranging from 20 to 50 miles per hour) automatically disperse fog, mists, and similar phenomena in the area, whether mundane or magical.
  • Typically up to 1 minute in duration.


  • Minor: Every minute, roll a percentile dice. On a 70-85, lighting strikes nearby a random player dealing 2d6 lighting damage, while 86 or above causes a direct hit to a random player dealing 3d10 lightning damage.
  • Major: Every minute, roll a percentile dice. On a 50 or above, lightning strikes a random player dealing 3d10 damage. Additionally, if there is a player within 5 feet of the lightning strike they will take half of the damage.
  • 30-60 minutes

Tidal Wave

  • A wave of water that crashes down on an area up to 30 feet long, up to 10 feet wide, and up to 10 feet tall. Each creature in that area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d8 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't knocked prone. The water then spreads out across the ground in all directions, extinguishing unprotected flames in its area and within 30 feet of it.


  • A wall of water up to 300 feet long, 300 feet high, and 50 feet thick springs into existence. The wall typically lasts for up to 6 rounds.
  • When the wall appears, each creature within its area must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 6d10 bludgeoning damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.
  • Each round after the wall appears, the wall, along with any creatures in it, moves 50 feet away in one direction. Any Huge or smaller creature inside the wall or whose space the wall enters when it moves must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or take 5d10 bludgeoning damage. A creature can take this damage only once per round.
  • At the end of the round, the wall's height is reduced by 50 feet, and the damage creatures take from the spell on subsequent rounds is reduced by 1d10. When the wall reaches 0 feet in height, the spell ends.
  • A creature caught in the wall can move by swimming. Because of the force of the wave, though, the creature must make a successful DC 18 Athletics check in order to move at all. If it fails the check, it can't move. A creature that moves out of the area falls to the ground.


d20 Temperature
1-14 normal for the season
15-17 1d4 × 10 degrees Fahrenheit colder than normal
18-20 1d4 × 10 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than normal
d20 Wind
1-12 no wind
13-17 light wind
18-20 strong wind
d20 Precipitation
1-12 no precipitation
13-17 light rain or light snowfall
18-20 heavy rain or heavy snowfall

Extreme Cold

Whenever the temperature is at or below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, a creature exposed to the cold must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour or gain one level of exhaustion. Creatures with resistance or immunity to cold damage automatically succeed on the saving throw, as do creatures wearing cold weather gear (thick coats, gloves, and the like) and creatures naturally adapted to cold climates.  

Extreme Heat

When the temperature is at or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, a creature exposed to the heat and without access to drinkable water must succeed on a Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour or gain one level of exhaustion. The DC is 5 for the first hour and increases by 1 for each additional hour.   Creatures wearing medium or heavy armor, or who are clad in heavy clothing, have disadvantage on the saving throw. Creatures with resistance or immunity to fire damage automatically succeed on the saving throw, as do creatures naturally adapted to hot climates.  

Strong Wind

A strong wind imposes disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing. A strong wind also extinguishes open flames, disperses fog, and makes flying by nonmagical means nearly impossible. A flying creature in a strong wind must land at the end of its turn or fall.   A strong wind in a desert can create a sandstorm that imposes disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.  

Heavy Precipitation

Everything within an area of heavy rain or heavy snowfall is lightly obscured, and creatures in the area have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Heavy rain also extinguishes open flames and imposes disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.  

High Altitude

Traveling at altitudes of 10,000 feet or higher above sea level is taxing for a creature that needs to breathe, because of the reduced amount of oxygen in the air. Each hour such a creature spends traveling at high altitude counts as 2 hours for the purpose of determining how long that creature can travel.   Breathing creatures can become acclimated to a high altitude by spending 30 days or more at this elevation. Breathing creatures can't become acclimated to elevations above 20,000 feet unless they are native to such environments.  


Travel through the wilderness is fraught with peril. The DM can roll a d20 for random encounters according to the chart below or at their own discretion. The party can choose to play out the encounter or pay either CR × 10 in HP or CR × 50 in GP. On a nat1 the party earns GP equal to CR × 10.  
  • Well-Traveled: 1 per 24 hours on a 20 (ex. settlements).
  • Unsettled: 1 per day & night on 18-20 (ex. wilderness within a kingdom).
  • Dangerous: 1 per hour of travel or 1 per 20 mins of rest on a 17-20 (ex. wilderness outside a kingdom).
  • Enemy Base: 1 per 15 mins of idle or rest (ex. monster's territory).
  Adventuring, 5e Rules

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