Phanxnoccrim continent in Ylly | World Anvil

Phanxnoccrim continent

Phanxnoccrim sits in stark contrast to the other continents as it is experiencing a strange phenomenon where nearly the entire continent is covered in hot desert. There are two large spheres of energy above the continent that create a stifling hot perpetual day.   ======   The 3 major regions of phanxnoccrim  
  • Tax, a desert region of dunes that undulate like an ocean. Home to the Mazacax and Xethrax. 
  • This region is geologically unstable and earthquakes are common in specific areas. These sinkholes must be avoided as they can slurp up anything on the surface.   This place is harsh and unforgiving. Waves of sand roll over the surface, sweeping away anything in their path. Water is non-existent on the surface, and together with the sand waves they create an extremely hazardous region.   The Mazacax take advantage of water deep underground, and manage dozens of subterranean aquifers. These large spiders have no problem navigating the chaotic surface, and seem to swim through the sand. ( omg : like how dolphins play with and jump through a large wave, except giant spiders. )   The Xethrax are in the East Point of Phanxnoccrim. Their territory contains several hundred miles of shores that provide access to the water. They have earth related techniques that pull the salt and other minerals out of the water. The Xethrax territory is surrounded by a wall that protects the inner grasslands from the heat and sand. Xethrax can instinctually use Carbirokenesis, and the dunes are not an issue for them.      
  • Thalp'ts , the largest region, comprised of more than a third of the continental landmass. Home to the Ceraphax.
  • This region contains the Culmination, and several other Ceraphax hives.  There are many towns, outposts, and cities scattered throughout this region. There are many different sapient species that reside in this region, rarely you might even see someone from a race you've never even heard of. It's not really peaceful in this region, however the diversity of biology, culture and ideology results in a region that is welcoming to most thinking beings.   Thalp'ts has "ripples" of mountain ranges that seem to run like huge striations when viewed from above. The peaks are tall and jagged with sheer cliffs and few passes. The best way to traverse this region is through the valleys between the ranges.   The region has an active volcano that frequently erupts, however it happens so regularly that there is little explosive power, and magma just spurts to the surface and drips down the sides. Mel T'Rixl, agent of Burl'Maga, has converted a sizable portion of the volcano into a resort for fire based entities.      
  • Sheekskrow - an arid region littered with mesas and plateaus. Home to the Vakiir.
  • Sheekskrow is just your stereotypical airid landscape dotted with mesas. There's nothing special or abnormal about it. The people who travel into the wilderness return with no interesting stories to tell. Always with a smile.     ======  
  • the Culmination
  • (More is listed in Ceraphax article)   This massive hive of hives houses the majority of the Ceraphax race. It is like an iced burger with only a small portion of the top sticking out of the ground. These hives reach deep into the ground, and are generally uninhabitable for non insectoid species. However the parts of the hive which are built on the surface are designed to be much more comfortable      
  • the paragons
  • There should be a Paragon article... Somewhere...   These Ceraphax were blessed with holy abilities by the demigoddess Thelmra, daughter of Albus. She created the order to stand against forces that go beyond the pretty desires and fears of the mortal realms. All of existence trembles, like it is tossing and turning in it's sleep. Premonitions and nightmares of bile that bends the flow of events around it.   There is something coming. And it will be here soon, if it isn't already. The paragons train reality defying abilities, and meditate to constantly increase their SoulForce.      
  • Vakiirridin
  • The Vakiir capital city, this marvel of urbanization was made possible by an alliance with with strong and organized Ceraphax. The sprawling complex of structures, pillars, and paths snake their way all the way up and all the way around one of the mesas of Sheekskrow. It covers the sides from the bottom to the top. The surface of the Mesa is covered in various constructs and maintained lands. The areas surrounding the base of the Mesa is populated as well, but mostly by those who are lesser on the societal measure of value.   The city is filthy in a few places, and the food is kinda gross to non avians, but the views from the Mesa edge are incredible. One can see all the way to the peaks of the mountain ranges of Thalp'ts and all the land in between.  It's not a popular location for tourism however, as many outsiders have violent dreams when they sleep within city limits.   - =====   There are three obsidian towers on this continent, except one is severely damaged, and the other lies in a heap of rubble large enough to be mistaken for a mountain. The one remaining tower radiates a heavy SoulForce that slowly drives mortals mad as it crushes their mind, body, and soul. It is very dangerous to linger nearby, and the surrounding rocky areas are completely devoid of life.   ======   The continent is home to insectoid, avian, and reptilian sapients. Phanxnoccrim is a very culturally diverse place. Sapients from all walks of life and lineage come here for various purposes, and almost anyone can find a friendly place somewhere on the continent.   Many areas here appear desolate, however phanxnoccrim actually boasts a diverse biosphere. A few dozen feet underground is an extensive and thriving ecosystem. In the rare occasion of the introduction of large amounts of water, the sand seems to fall away as thousands of underground species come to the surface. Entire forests spring forth over the course of just a few days. While the bounty is great, these forests wither away to dust just as quickly.       Littered with underground caverns and crevasses, this continent has ancient histories and mysteries buried deep underground, just waiting to be discovered by those brave and capable enough to delve it's depths.


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