Ylly intro in Ylly | World Anvil

Ylly intro

FELICITATIONS, MY FELLOW FICKLE FRIENDS!!!   About me:   I am a person. I'm totally not a sentient manifestation of the universe trapped within my own manifestation of sentience. I swear I'm a real person, guys.   About this project:   Not an angsty anthem arranged around the qualities of qualms, or quantities of questions associated with the quickly quilted quotes quilled quietly in my quaint quarters.   About you:   You lost bro?     ________________________     Ylly is a world.   Lol   a world with four continents separated by great distances, and dangerous waters. the dim star above seems to be directly overhead, no matter where one travels. In the endless daylight is a dark sky illuminating the world below as if from a full moon.   Each continent has three identical towers so massive and tall that they can be seen from much of the land, and some of the surrounding seas.       One of the continents is Krodin, torn by what seems to be a neverending conflict between the Taneeri empire, and the Skar Nations. While not always a violent conflict, there is much disdain and disgust directed twords each other. Krodin has a diverse biosphere, especially compared to the other continents. Nearly every type of biome can be found here. Sometime in the past, the continent was struck with enough force to shatter it. For this reason, a sizeable portion of Krodin is covered in water. For some reason Falderdine and Elementals, both weak and strong, favor Krodin as a place to set up shop. Some entities have even carved their own realm into the landscape such as GragJack, Albus, and Thasinaz.   The next continent, Umix, is covered almost entirely by a deep, dense jungle. The sapients here are mostly BeastKin, and the area is very hostile to non-native species. Plants and animals tend to be aggressive when paths cross with an outsider. The Mon'z live here, and have a great synchronicity, synergy, and symbiosis with the flora and fauna on the continent. Native creatures that leave this continent have an instinctual urge to return that can be melancholy and debilitating. There's an exception for sapient beings, who deeply miss home regardless of where home is.   Another continent, Phanxnoccrim, sits in stark contrast to the other continents as it is experiencing a strange phenomenon where nearly the entire continent is covered in hot desert. There are two large spheres of energy above the continent that create a stifling hot perpetual day. The area is home to insectoid, avian, and reptilian sapients. Phanxnoccrim is a very culturally diverse place. Sapients from all walks of life and lineage come here for various purposes, and almost anyone can find a friendly place somewhere on the continent. Many areas here appear desolate, however phanxnoccrim boasts more life per square mile than any other continent. In the rare occasion of the introduction of large amounts of water, the sand seems to fall away as thousands of underground species come to the surface. Entire forests spring forth over the course of just a few days. While the bounty is great, these forests wither away to dust just as quickly.   Finally there is Lysanthir, the continent of the Fae'Kyrie, and home to Pnumesthersept. This continent roils, surges, undulates, pulses with raw energy. The land and sky, Flora and fauna, minds bodies and souls of all "things" here are born of the Flesh and Will of Pnumesthersept. The place is shrouded in mystery and known by mortals only though shattered superstitions. The waters around the continent pull boats to the shore, and the waves push them up onto the beach. Occasionally a ship carcass can be found. The sands stop at the base of the tall, jagged mountain ranges that protect the inner areas.     In between and beyond contains the rest of the vast majority of the world. The seas are deep, and the skies are ((tall?))     Ylly is but a small part of the universe. There are many realms, both coporeal and noncoporeal, real realms, fake realms, realms of thought, realms of dreams, even sentient realms.       -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-   Of those who do inhabit, are these who do be notable.   -The Mon'z   Multifactorial polygenic race of carnivorous and omnivorous mammals. The appearances and sizes of the individuals within the species varies greatly, and the Mon'z are the most racially diverse of any species.   They inhabit the continent Umix, and call its jungles home.   On a "genetic" level, the Mon'z are certainly all of the same species, but minor fluctuations in this "code" can cause drastic changes to the type of Mon'z. Therefore these creatures present themselves in many shapes and forms.   The most common phenotypes are feliforms, caniforms, and ursinae, but any Carnivora is possible.   Like many sapient species in Ylly, the Mon'z were created using non natural processes. It is unknown who did this, when, or why.   Mon'z are highly sensitive to "living" SoulForce, and have a connection to the flesh of the world, specifically its Flora.   ## they make good healers and use destruction magic     -The Mazacax   A brood of intelligent spiders, these creatures vary greatly in size, and can be as small as a child, or big enough to eat a child. Residents of phanxnoccrim, the Mazacax are well accustomed to rapid and drastic changes in temperatures.   The Mazacax are not inherently aggressive, however they are extremely territorial. While above ground, smaller spiders seem to ignore or even go around anything that is not part of their goal. However when in the tunnels they will swarm over unrecognized entities.   While smaller spiders frequently travel in and out of the hives, Larger and/or sapient Mazacax almost never leave the "city" they have built for themselves deep underground. the extensive surrounding tunnel system is littered with webbing, as well as the smaller spiders that made the webbing, and the medium sized spiders that maintain the tunnels. These tunnels are well cared for, and snake their way across Phanxnoccrim like an underground highway system.   These tunnels are by far the most efficient way to travel the continent, however they are completely unusable by anyone but Mazacax. other races will get lost quickly or become stuck in the webbing, the movements of which summons swarms of smaller spiders.   They specialize in livestock and vegetative farming to maintain the populace. Mazacax have been known to breed many species for food, including sentient creatures. Because of this many mortals consider the Mazacax to be evil.       -The Taneeri   The Taneeri are tall, bipedal and ratlike. Their appearance makes most other mammals uncomfortable, some even find the Taneeri to be repulsive.   Taneeri faces are long and ratlike, with sharptoothed jowls. Their noses are very accurate, and they have whiskers on the end of their snout.   All Taneeri have completely blacked out eyes, and do not possess things like irises or pupils.   Taneeri are not innately physically powerful, however their bodies respond quickly and efficiently to physical training   Taneeri have 2 legs like most humanoids, with a forward facing knee, and an ankle construct, however the segment between the ankle construct and the toe joints is noticeably longer, and this species tends to maneuver while on their toes.   Taneeri have very wrinkly and loose skin, with a small amount of short hairs scattered thinly over the entire body. The most common color of Taneeri is gray, but others are possible, usually blacks and/or browns.   Taneeri are highly compatible with several useful energies, including soul, abyssal, and dream abilities.           -The Vakiir   Flightless birds that resemble any Corvid species.   This bird race calls the mesas and plateaus of phanxnoccrim home, and have carved intricate and complex cities into them.   The Vakiir are primarily Corvid. any type of predator bird is possible, but it is uncommon.   Wingspan to weight ratio is incompatible with flight   The Vakiir cannot naturally fly, but they still have very useful wings. These wings allow the Vakiir to use "air elementalism" without an alignment to any deity. The connection with the breath of the world allows them to hover, glide, and get a boosted jump high into the air, but they cannot "fly" . once they have left the ground, and reach the peak of their leap, it is impossible to gain altitude using the wings.   Vakiir are highly compatible with abyssal, voidbourne, and nightmare energies. They make excellent Augors and FleshShapers, and are a common sight to see amongst the Reavers.   Vakiir are not bothered by the heat. They barely notice it. However colder temperatures causes issues with circulation, making them a bit lethargic.           -The Narinal   The Narinal mostly inhabit Krodin. The largest organized groups of Narinal are the Skar Nation and the Absul Holy Imperium.   These tend to avoid conflict with each other. The Skar nations focus on the Taneeri Empire conflict. The Absul keep to themselves and worship Albus.   Physically, Narinal are tall with an average height of 2 meters (6-7 ft ...ish ) . They are bipedal and walk upright with strong legs and a straight back. They have smooth, hairless skin covering their body, and in a wide range of colors.   The Narinal cannot sleep, but they still require rest for the mind, and recovery phases for the body   Narinal have a noticeable connection to the Ectenic network, which gives them great influence over Arcane and lae energies. There is a strange phenomenon that baffles Narinal scholars. direct interactions with the Ectenic network or use of arcane abilities on a proficient level causes a Narinal to grow horns on Thier head or gain tentacle-esque dreads. While the mechanisms behind this are poorly understood, it is well documented that the horns and dreads store energy, and enhance ones connection to the Ectenic network.   Sometime in the past, the Taneeri angered the nightmare god, who expended the energy of a powerful artifact to cast out all sleeping Taneeri from the realm of the dream. He sent with them the heritage trait "Curse of Conflict" , and they awoke a completely different species. These Narinal were physically changed to be repulsive in sight to any Taneeri, including themselves. As an unforeseen side effect, The form they acquired was rather aesthetically pleasing to many mortals. The curse keeps them out of the dream realm entirely, as Narinal cannot sleep or dream.       -The Ceraphax   Antlike insectoids that live in massive hives built above and below ground. Most Ceraphax are drones with telepathically subsumed will, functioning as an extension of the Queen. However there are still plenty of sentient and sapient Ceraphax that follow their own will. Most of these still loyally serve the Queen, but individual Ceraphax can still be found throughout Phanxnoccrim, and occasionally on other continents as well.   These big bugs stand on their hind legs, with 4 strong and dexterous arms. They have naturally occurring armor, and clawed hands. Their height varies dramatically and can range anywhere from 1-4 meters tall (3-13 ish feet)   Currently the largest Ceraphax hive is a complex interconnection of many other hives that have grown into each other. The high queen named it "The Culmination" and it spans a little over 8600 square miles. thousan. A city of cities, the Culmination has a population of trillions and is the largest and most populated mortal establishment to currently exist. Almost the entirety of the populace are drones and stay deeper in the hives, however the fringes of the Culmination are much more habitable to other races and the outermost perimeter of the hives have tens of thousands of non Ceraphax residents.   Ceraphax are highly susceptible to cold, and freezing temperatures can crack their exoskeletons in minutes.     -The Ilnari   One of the oldest mortal races still alive, these beings inhabit the very deepest parts of the ocean. Their towns, cities, and outposts dot the sea floor around the entire world, but interaction with the surface is so rare that they have not been seen for ##many millennia.## Most people have no idea the Ilnari ever existed, and most Ilnari assume there is nothing left of the surface world.   These creatures have spent an extensive amount of time evolving under extreme pressures, and they cannot get anywhere near the surface. The darkest depths of the sea floor is all they will ever know, and they are content in their paradise.   As with most mortal races, the Ilnari were created for a purpose by a powerful being. Who did so, when, and why, is completely unknown.     -The Xethrax   The Xethrax are arguably the most powerful mortal race within Ylly. Created long ago by the deity, Xeth. Xeth destroyed himself completely to create just a few thousand of these creatures for an unknown purpose. Individual Xethrax have an unknown liquid metal coursing through their veins. This liquid is highly compatible with energetic elements.   The Xethrax body is constructed in a way that should be physically impossible, their body is almost entirely muscle with very few actual bones or organs. Their scales have muscles inside them to move the scales with strength and dexterity. They have two tails they can use with great agility. These tails never tangle or fumble, and meld through each other with perfect flow and precision.   Xethrax are almost never found outside the massive walls surrounding Thier lands. Occasional ley spikes and waves of energy can be felt from the direction of the Xethrax Capitol. They have some unknown plan that has clearly already been set in motion   -


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