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Audhild Foroshan

Knight Lieutenant Audhild Foroshan (a.k.a. Audi)

Standing at a solid 5 feet tall, her red hair is usually pulled into two long braids that hang on either side of her face, she is almost always in her platinum full plate armor, generally refusing to remove the gift that Bahamut gave her. The left side of her face has a strange spiderweb of scars that radiate from her eye. The eye itself is somewhat unsettling, it has no pupil and has a faint glow to it. Her stare is incredibly intense. She wears a grey tabard with silver lining it. The talon in the center of the chest is silver, and on the shoulders between her  dragon head pauldrons are two smaller silver talons pins as well.   Hanging from her neck is her holy symbol of Bahamut on a steel chain.   She has recently retired her old maul, the enormous thing is beaten and the haft is stained and chipped, it is the weapon she carried when she fought alongside Roland as a mercenary. Instead of her maul she has now taken to carrying the now magical Deschain Family Sword that was gifted to her by Roland after he gained the favor of Thruhylda.       The story of Audhild and her service with the Knights of the Talon
The training for Audhild was easy at first, her experience as a mercenary had her skills honed with years of training where many of the recruits in her inducting class were much younger and much less experienced.   She quickly set herself apart and gained rank among her classmates. She became the squad leader for her class of prospects. Under her leadership her squad was the number one ranked squad in her graduating class, out of 8 squads.   After graduating from bootcamp she was given the rank of squire and requested to be assigned to Adwynn for the next stage of her training. She also very quickly chose to seek acceptance with the Silver Banner, her heart still longed to travel and to seek out the things that were wrong in the world.   Adwynn gladly accepted her service as her previous senior squire Belnan had just been promoted to full knight. And had been accepted into the service as a member of the Purple Banner, and would someday become a lore master.   So Soren the dwarf became a senior squire and the threesome set out into the world to patrol the wilds in the southern reaches of the Lang Karag mountains.   Audhild was incredibly happy with this new turn of events, she spent the next few months on patrol making their way through the small towns and villages, they settled disputes, acted as judge and impartial law master for the small towns that never saw any other kind of higher authority Audhild made sure to be in touch with all of the local town healers to learn what she could from them and to teach in return, with all this training on healing and learning her skills flourished and her connection with Bahamut began to strengthen as she spread the word of his name and used her divine magics to heal people of ills that were way beyond herbs and local town healers.   She had many adventures and killed many beasts while following Adwynn, she learned a great deal.   After a few months they returned to Talon Keep once again and she was promoted to senior squire, Soren stayed as a senior squire for now, it isn’t common for squads to be sent out with two senior squires but Adwynn insisted that the group worked incredibly well together and it would be stupid to split up a team like theirs.   The high marshal accepted Adwynn’s word and gave them a new job to pursue. The job took them deep into Aravandor and elven lands in search of a Knight Lieutenant that had failed to report in for much too long.   The threesome set out again into the wilds and quickly reached the area that the knight was last reported to be near. They searched the wilds for days before they found a clearing where a battle had taken place, there was a large crater in the center of the clearing and splayed around it were the ravaged and mutilated bodies of the knights followers. He had 6 who followed him, two knights and their senior squires and squires. All 6 were identified and laid to rest.   The group returned to the nearest town and sent word to Talon Keep of what they had found and requested that more knights be sent to search for whatever had done this terrible thing.   After a week of absolutely agonizing boredom and waiting two knight lieutenants and all 12 of their followers arrived in town. The large party met and quickly headed out to the site of the massacre. From there they tracked the strange footprints that left the clearing back to an ancient ruin. Within the ruin they found a large number of terrible elemental creatures, all seeming to be corrupted and controlled somehow.   They made a plan and set to it, attempting to draw whatever was controlling these creatures out by attacking from afar and quickly destroying any of the patrolling creatures that came out of the ruins.   After a few successes like this they were taken by surprise as an enormous force of the creatures attacked from the ruin and from behind. They were surrounded and immediately fighting for their lives. Adwynn and Soren and Audhild fought as a magnificent team, holding their part of the line and Audhild’s healing saved her companions lives many times over. But the creatures did not stop coming, and they were incredibly difficult to kill, they would fight on while missing half a torso and all their limbs. The ranking Knight Lieutenant told Adwynn that she and her squad along with their squires were to push out from the line and attempt to break into the ruin and find what was controlling the creatures, they made one big push and managed to break through the lines and into the ruins where they found more creatures, but in the confines of the tunnels beneath the ruin they were easily fought and defeated.   Their attacking force made their way into an inner sanctum where they found a strange sight, sitting in the middle of the room was the knight lieutenant who had gone missing. As the group entered the room he stood up and as he looked at them they all saw a strange red light in his eyes. He cackled and raised his arms that had strange black veins covering his skin.   From the ground around him more of the elemental creatures arose and attacked the group, the knight began attacking as well, hurling strange and terrible magic at all of them.   The fight was incredibly brutal and it dragged on as one by one the knights of the talon were brought down by the creatures and by the corrupted knight as well.   Then Adwynn and the knight clashed, she fought like a valkyrie and wounded the knight terribly. But he countered with a terrible spell that shot forth and speared Adwynn on black spikes that shot out of the ground.   As she fell Audhild screamed and leapt to stand over her mentors body, she summoned all of the fury of Bahamut and attacked the knight with an incredible display of skill and ferocity. The weakened knight was not prepared for this and many of his magics seemed to do nothing to Audhild as she hit him again and again with her mace that seemed to come alight with the silver fire of Bahamut.   The knight was weakening but as a final blow before being brought down by Audhild’s maul he lashed out with a dagger and stabbed her right in the gap in her helm’s visor destroying her eye and wounding a large portion of her face with the terrible poison that was on the blade.   Audhild ignored this terrible wound and with a scream of “Bahamut give me strength!” she smashed her maul down into the head of the knight breaking his skull and ending the hold the foul magic had on him.   Afterwards the two living squires, helped Audhild out of the tunnels and back to the others, where they found only one living Knight Lieutenant who was terribly wounded. Audhild was nearly dead herself but managed to gather enough strength to heal the knight so that he would not die.   Afterwards the 4 slowly made their way back to the nearby town, where they managed to rest and recover, Audhild speeding this along with her healing. The knight however was terribly wounded and had lost his leg in the fight. It was beyond Audhild’s skills to help him regenerate his limb. So instead he gave her a field promotion to knight and charged her with returning to the ruin to recover the dead and learn what she could of what had caused this atrocity.   She did so and with the help of the two squires spent the next few days laying all of her companions to rest.   She then set about searching the remains of the ruin but only found strange magical residue of unknown origins.   The group of 4 made their way from there back towards Talon Keep, on the way Audhild had a strange vision in her sleep that directed her to leave the path and take her party into the mountains, the knight lieutenant was not awake for much of the days at this point and the squires followed her as she led them.   She found herself walking up a narrow and hidden pathway into the mountains. Eventually reaching a peak and seeing a small walled temple.   At the door to the temple she was greeted by a silver scaled dragonborn dressed in the robes of a cleric of Bahamut. He greeted her and introduced himself as a scale bearer. He was the only one at the temple but he said that he too had seen a vision of her and knew that it was Bahamut’s will that he give her aid.   So he brought her and her companions into the temple. With his aid and Audhild’s combined they managed to regenerate the Knight Lieutenant’s leg over the next few weeks. During this time Audhild learned much from the scale bearer.   The night before they were to leave the scale bearer sat with Audhild before the altar of Bahamut and asked him to bless her, he then placed his hand on the terribly scarred and empty eye socket in her face. There was a blinding flash and the pain she felt was soothed and with a blink she could see. And much more than before.   Filling her eye socket was a glowing ball of platinum, her scars were reduced but not entirely removed, instead they looked like they were very old scars that had long since healed and were somewhat faded.   Before leaving in the morning the scale bearer gave her one last gift. He presented her with a magnificent suit of armor, it was a set of full plate with dragon heads for pauldrons, it shone brightly in the sunlight and was clearly made of platinum.   He said that this temple had been waiting for another champion of Bahamut to show themselves.   They returned to Talon Keep where they held services for the fallen dead, her promotion to knight was finalized and she quickly took on the two squires she had survived with as her companions. They set out in search of the source of the terrible magics that had killed their friends.   After her promotion she was also awarded a medal for valor. It was a silver mark of the talon, it is the second highest award that the knights give out and it signifies great bravery and valiant deeds in the face of danger.   Over the next year Audhild made a name for herself within the order and in the region that she patrolled. She was hard to miss, the glowing platinum eye and glorious set of full plate along with an aura that seemed to exude from her that soothed those in pain and sent those who meant to do evil running the opposite direction.   She was unable to find any more leads on the strange magics that had killed her companions, but she did a lot of good during her search.   Soon she was called back to Talon Keep and promoted, setting a record for the quickest rise in rank from squire to Knight Lieutenant that any living member had seen.   With her new rank and now promoting her two squires to knight she was assigned four new squires, with the new group she set out further and further into the wilds ever searching for the source of the corrupting magic.   During a stop in Yodenheim for supplies Audhild suddenly had a voice speaking in her head as she walked down the street. It said “Roland asks that you come to him in the Weald, he needs help, there is a great evil to be fought here.”   She was momentarily dumbstruck by the voice and the mention of her old friend and companion. But knew that without a doubt if he was calling for her the need was great.   Spinning on her heel and running back to the tavern she was staying at, she stared yelling orders at her squires, and pointed at one of her knights and told him to find a ship that they could charter to take them to Glintshore immediately.   The squires were all very confused and responded to the orders slowly but her knight, who knew her very well, did not question her. He immediately leapt to his feet and ran out of the tavern in search of a ship.   Within hours they had a ship chartered and all of their supplies on board and they were sailing south.

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