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Edmund De Oakheart

High Lord General Edmund De Oakheart

High Lord General of the Valdian military - his soldiers call him Ol Ironwood or Stump as a term of endearment. He is legendarily stubborn and tough, there is a story of him during his campaigning days, he was helping the dwarves fight off an invasion of duregar and he was shot with no less that 5 arrows, and instead of pulling them out and receiving healing he told the healers to leave the arrows in him and to just patch him up, it was said that he left the arrow heads there for the rest of the 3 days of fighting, finally allowing the healers to remove them once the fighting was done and all of his soldiers were healed. A member of the Oakheart family has always held the position of High Lord General of the Valdian army for as long as the Valdis family has held the throne.   Edmund is a tall and gruff grey haired human man in his early 70s, he is heavily scarred, he is missing his left hand, which he has replaced with a nasty looking metal hook. He has repeatedly refused the offers by clerics to regrow his forearm. Saying “Save your magics for those who need it. I get by just fine with this.” Occasionally he has been persuaded to wear a replica hand for formal gatherings but usually has the hook. His left eye heavily scarred and he isn’t able to see out of it. He doesn’t however wear an eyepatch, instead he enjoys peoples discomfort when he stares at them. He wears a monocle on the other eye. He has a thick and bushy handlebar mustache and a well trimmed pointy van dyke beard. He always wears his military dress uniform a well fitted high collard blue jacket with golden buttons and trim. The collar has two golden eagle heads on either side. His epaulettes are solid golden bars with embossed eagles in the center and four stars. He has a cluster of 8 medals on his chest over his heart. He wears loose white pants with single golden stripes down the legs, which end just below the knee where the pants are tucked into a tall pair of spotless shiny black leather boots. He has a belt with a set up for carrying a sword but he usually doesn’t wear it if he is in his office. He hangs his longsword in its sheath on a rack behind his chair.   His desk is a massive old antique, it is always spotless, he refuses to take paper reports unless it is documents that need to be signed for. He makes all of his secretaries read reports to him out loud. This has the benefit of allowing him to focus on what they are telling him and ask questions. It also limits the amount of information that his secretaries try to give him and forces them to consider what is really important for him to know. If it is small trivial things they are encouraged to send that info to the officers who will deal with it directly, instead of bothering him with it.   On his desk instead are a number of curiosities. There is a large crystal decanter with a set of glasses next to it. It holds incredibly old and expensive dwarven whiskey.   There is an old and worn looking brass spyglass, a matching old and battered brass compass. A large and incredibly detailed ship in a bottle, the ship looking to be a Valdian navy ship, The bottle having the label of The Golden Wing. A wooden rack with three different hand prosthetics. One is a plated gold very detailed hand. Another is a very basic clunky looking hand made of steel. And the last is a fitting that has a metal cap with an arm length blade.   Hanging on the wall above where his longsword is kept is a solid steel shield with the golden crest of Valdia in the center. On the back of the shield is a fitting that will allow him to attach the shield to his stump arm.   In the corner of the room is an armor stand with the generals set of full plate, it has his markings of rank on the shoulder and has a tabard hung over it. Next to the armor is a large bookshelf. The other wall is a set of large windows that look out over the mustering grounds in the center of the barracks complex.   Hanging on his walls are a number of banners, two large ones hang on either side of his shield and sword. One is a very old and battered looking Valdian flag. It looks to have been cut, burned and aged. The other being a solid green flag with a golden oak tree, with 5 golden acorns evenly spaced below the tree.   Other than those two banners there are 3 others in the room, One is a grey tattered cloth with a strange dwarven looking rune in the center embroidered with white. Another is a large length of hide with a dark brownish red orcish rune in the center. The last is a very old and faded yellow banner with a black embroidered bears head in the center. These are from some of his most notable campaigns of the past.   Old Stump is an incredibly to the point and gruff individual. He hates flattery and ceremony, but also will not stand for disrespect. He is a lot like a much older and more beat up Roland in a way. He also still has an incredibly sharp military mind and is a very valuable asset for Valdia.

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