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Elves are the result of the fighting between the gods, Gruumsh wounded Corellon badly and the blood from this wound is what created the elves. When it fell on the land the first elves were born.   Elves were the first to attempt to civilize portions of Yonder after the ravages of the dragon giant war, they were for a long time the dominant species on the land.       There has been some kind of plague or sickness that has taken the elves over the last two generations, the number of stillborn births and infants that die within the first year has gone up dramatically. Now 3/4 elven children will die before their 2nd birthday. Because of this the numbers of elves has gone down over the last thousand years, the already very slow breeding elves are currently to scared to have any more children because of the risk involved. This sickness only seems to afflict pure elven children, so the half elf population has grown a lot with the exponential growth of the human population and their encroaching numbers into the eastern wilds. Due to the decreasing number of elves certain towns and even cities have been abandoned at different points throughout the last 2000 years or so since the end of the first origin war. There are some among the noble elven families that blame the humans and dwarves for this misfortune and believe that there is some kind of curse on the elven nation that is causing this sickness. The current elf king has ruled for the last 500 years and has been searching for answers the entire time with no luck. If nothing is done about this problem within the next lifetime of the elves there won’t be much left of the nation.   Also due to elves abandoning cities and towns in the eastern wilds the forests have taken back much of that land growing over the buildings and leaving very little trace that anything was ever there.   The actual problem is indeed due to a curse on the elven king himself, When he was a child his father had taken his army to assist the dwarves in fighting off a drow invasion. This was part of an agreement made when the accord was signed, the elves agreed to assist the dwarves in dealing with any kind of drow attacks that may happen. The drow queen seeing the elves and seeing her own defeat coming due to their arrival sacrificed many of her forces in a ritual to her god Lolth. The god herself briefly touched the earth and struck the drown queen dead, which terrified and broke her forces causing them to retreat. But when the elf king went to see the body of the Drow Queen for himself her corpse animated and attacked only scratching his skin before falling still. That scratch was enough and the curse of Lolth was placed upon the elf king and through him his kingdom. The only way for the curse to be broken is either for his line to no longer sit upon the throne or for some kind of divine intervention by another god.

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