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Liddena Darree

Liddena Darree was worn in a smaller town in Valdia called Steepforest on the 28th of Hammer.
  Summary of early life: Ran away from home worked with a small group of performing thieves, made the mistake of robbing someone from Nox Tempus, group was made an example of. All died, except for Lidda who was left for dead. Driven by the fact that when she came to all she remembered was a nox tempus spiral tattoo on the collar bone of someone.
  • will have dreams over the next couple days, remembering new things, as her mind becomes more fey and more magically powerful she will recall more information

  •   Lidda’s Full Name - Lidenna Darree Lidda’s Mother - Beldenna Darree - seamstress, net maker - midwestern accent, follower of Avandra Lidda’s Father - Delorin Darree - retired fisherman, sells fish in the market with his wife Lidda’s Brother - Fallan Darree - fisherman, is 15 years older than Lidda
      Performing Troupe Name - Sullivan’s Splendid Spectacular Show Leader of the troupe - Sullivan, or Sully, tall and grandiose half elven man Delia - Human woman, often the one who played Lidda’s elder sister or mother Tezor - Dwarven Man, played Lidda’s love interest, or father depending on the play being done, usually was the base for group acrobatics as well. Jori - Half elven boy, only around 15 when the group was killed - was the pickpocket who stole from Nox Tempus. Rulla - Elderly half orc woman, was the expert pickpocket who taught the others of the group to steal and do stealthy things.
      Nox Tempus Captain who killed the troupe - Octavian - captain of the Nox Tempus organization in Morgan’s Landing.
      Is from a small town called - Steepforest, a very small town on the trade road from Morgan’s landing to Oakhall, located just before the Oaken Reach, which is the name for the large forest that Oakhall gets its namesake from. The town located at the top of a ridge line looks out over a small cove and many of the town have fishing boats that they keep in the cove. There are narrow carved, switchback staircases that lead down from the town to the shoreline. They are very steep and the town is just on the edge of the forest. Lidda has parents and a brother that live in this town, the brother is a fisherman, the mother is a seamstress and the father is a retired fisherman.
      Lidda left home when she was around 15 in halfling years (actually 19) (3 years before actual adulthood) with a traveling band of performers and tricksters. She then spent the next 10 years traveling the roads with the troupe, performing, swindling, stealing, cheating, and all around causing trouble. For the most part aside from a few stints in local lock ups it was largely harmless stuff that never really got the group in any trouble. But then the group made their way into Morgan’s Landing, they had been many times before stopping here around the same time of the year, the group put up their show front, started spreading the word about their show, the night went off without a noticeable hitch. All of the group played their roles perfectly, lidda doing acrobatics, and performing as the young damsel in distress in one act, and the wicked step mother in another.
      It wasn’t until two days later when the band was traveling along a stretch of road out of sight of any town that they were stopped by a group of masked riders. Bandits were all but non existent in this part of the kingdom so the group hadn’t been expecting trouble.
      The leader of this masked band walked forwards and called the leader of the traveling performers to him. Words were exchanged, exclamations were yelled and the masked man stabbed the leader of the performing troupe through the heart killing him on the spot.
      The rest of the masked riders descended on the performers, more hidden in the hills to either side of the road appearing, and drawing their blades as well. Everyone in the group was slaughtered, stabbed without mercy, nothing was stolen, everything was just left as it fell and the masked killers silently made their way back into the woods and onto their horses riding away. The last thing that Lidda saw as she lay there bleeding out on the ground from two wicked stab wounds, her face covered in blood from large slashes, was the collar bone of the man who stabbed the troupe leader first as he leaned down to stab her for the second time, and on his collar bone was the swirling tattoo of Nox Tempus.
      Lidda wandered from there for days after getting up, eventually collapsing she was found and cared for by an old farmer who lived nearby. He saved her life, but when she woke up Lidda ran without saying a word to the man, driven on by that final image, the spiral of Nox Tempus, she wandered for weeks, getting sick, her wounds getting infected. A terrible fever nearly put her in a coma, she was incoherent for days. When she finally awoke, sore and wounded she could barely even remember her own name. All she knew was she needed to look for Nox Tempus.

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