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Valdian Military

Navy sailors - usually wear loose baggy white canvas pants and shirts with a dark blue bandana tied around their necks. The formal wear is a fitted black coat with the eagle of Valdia stitched onto the chest over the heart. Many go barefoot but some wear black leather boots. Navy officers - have much nicer better fitting white pants, usually belted with a dark blue sash, they have fitted black jackets with golden buttons and the same eagle of Valdia over the heart, they wear dark blue silk bandanas tied around the neck with a golden eagle clip. Each has a long saber belted at their side, they wear black tricorn hats with a dark blue ribbon pinned to the side with another golden eagle. Each has knee high black leather boots polished to a bright shine. They have their marks of rank in the form of epaulets on their shoulders. A single gold bar is a Lieutenant, two bars is a lieutenant commander, three bars and a small eagle is a captain, one star is a rear admiral, two stars is a vice admiral, three stars and the head of an eagle is an admiral.   The marines are slightly different but a similar to the navy officers, their jackets are dark red and clearly padded with some kind of armor, they have black pants, instead of wearing a bandana they have their golden eagle clip on a golden cord wrapped around their shoulder. Additionally the marines all carry sabers along with large boarding axes on their backs.   The Valdian army is very different from the navy. The army wears light blue surcoats with a golden eagle head on the chest, over suits of chainmail, They have fitted metal caps, their boots are black leather but steel toed. Each wears a shortsword at their side, carries a large wooden shield painted blue with the golden eagle on the front. Additionally they carry a spear and a light crossbow.   The Valdian army officers have a similar look, instead however they wear half plate and have markings of ranks on their pauldrons. Each is allowed to use their own preference of weaponry, many however choose to use a longsword and shield, along with a light crossbow.   The Valdian cavalry again are slightly different, they wear the light blue surcoats but many have a set of full plate and wield weapons with a slightly longer reach, like a lance, or glaive. Each has either a short or longsword on their saddle along with a shield.   The battle mages are different again, there are not a large number of them and they are their own branch of the military, the lowest ranked mage is the equivalent of a captain in the army or a lieutenant commander in the navy. They wear long high collared white coats cut in the style of the navy and trimmed in golden embroidery, they have the eagle over the heart. The patch they have on their shoulder however is a fist holding a lightning bolt. They also have their marks of rank in epaulets on their shoulders. Many have the tell tale shimmer of mage armor around them and due to mages being an eccentric and difficult lot that is where the similarities end. The rest of their look is determined by the individual mage.     The regular town guard of Yodenheim are most similar to the regular Valdian army soldiers, instead of chainmail however they have leather caps and studded leather armor and instead of a full surcoat they have tabards made of a faded blue without any symbols. Their weapons aren’t as nice and often they don’t carry more than a spear and shield. Or a club and shield, or short sword and shield.

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