Boomerang Species in Yonderverse | World Anvil


Boomerangs are an invasive plant species growing in shallow environments on Ocearia. They are an incredibly fast-growing species, and have infested the waters surrounding several islands. Because they grow so fast, they are considered a pest species in many islands around the world.

Basic Information


The plant grows millions of tiny, round light green leaves that float on the surface of the water. The leaves are connected to a large bulb which floats on the surface like a buoy and keeps the plant on the surface. The bulb then grows thin, flimsy brown roots which bury themselves in the sand and keeps the plant from floating too far away. Sometimes, the roots get dragged out of the sand in low tide, but during high tide the roots will always find a way to bury themselves back in the soil.

Growth Rate & Stages

Boomerangs are named this because when you throw it away or clear it all out, it returns; most often growing faster than it did before. Most people that clear out boomerangs don't dig up the roots, and so the roots will grow another bulb and that way they keep coming back. This is both good and bad, as it blocks sunlight for other plants to grow, but it provides a lot of food for people.

Ecology and Habitats

These plants require a lot of sunlight to grow, which is why they grow in shallow waters. They grow directly on the water's surface, and follow the tides, entering deeper waters in lower tides.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Boomerangs provide a quick and easy meal. The plants can be harvested with sturdy nets, as a large clump of boomerangs can weigh a great deal. The leaves and bulbs are rather nutritious, and these plants are often encouraged in people's diets. They are also a common food source for shallow water fish species, crustaceans like wandering crabs and seabirds.
Geographic Distribution


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