Wandering Crabs Species in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Wandering Crabs

Wandering crabs, also known as ocean stalkers, are giant crustaceans that inhabit the seabeds. They provide a mobile home for many fish species in Ocearia, growing algae and marine plants on their backs.

Basic Information


Wandering crabs have a large, flat exoskeleton, which is usually a rocky grey colour. This helps them camouflage with the ground, as crabs from different regions have smoother, or rockier exoskeletons. They have 6 sturdy legs with a hard shell on them, with rows of short spikes. The legs stick out, giving them a soslid, sturdy appearance.   These crustaceans have a pair of large, shovel shaped pinchers, which is used to scoop rocks into their mouths to digest, taking in most of the minerals and excreting the rest as sand.

Genetics and Reproduction

When getting ready to lay their eggs, they will make their way to the nearest shore. Once they are on land, females will release up to a hundred thousand eggs from their abdominal sac onto the beach, in large red clusters. These eggs will hatch after a few days, after most of the eggs will have been preyed on my land and semi-aquatic animals.

Growth Rate & Stages

Once hatched, the baby crabs must then make their way into the ocean, trying to survive a plethora of creatures that are waiting for them. The crabs make their way into the nursing grounds, which are usually large plateaus of rock and sand, where the babies can feed on the ground and grow up into adults.

Ecology and Habitats

Wandering crabs get their name from their behaviour. They spend their lives wandering slowly along the seabed, collecting algae and plant life as they continue their endless meandering. These crustaceans are found worldwide, and have adapted to different conditions.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wandering crabs are mineravores, creatures that eat sand, dirt and rock to absorb its minerals. The crabs themselves are vital to the ecosystems they are in, as they excrete sand which covers the seabed, benefiting plant life and other creatures that use it to hide and live in.

Additional Information


Several regions use wandering crabs as modes of transport over long distances, the Kirinian Region, Seriban Region, and the Cocuris Region among others. Using specially designed saddles, one sits atop their exoskeleton and enjoys a nice, slow ride around scenic routes in their kingdoms. These creatures are in no way used for fast modes of transport, as their maximum speed is about one or two miles an hour.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Located worldwide throughout the oceans of Ocearia, this crab is no stranger to many environments. They have been found in the shallows, in the deep oceans, magma regions, coral reefs, even the Dark Depths.

Average Intelligence

Wandering crabs are shockingly intelligent for a crustacean. The creatures have been seen to care for the foliage on their exoskeleton, nurturing them and growing them carefully with their flexible pincher arms. It is theorised that the crabs can also make out the different plant species, and enjoy collecting new species and growing rare varieties, with a strong understanding of the plant life in the oceans.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Because wandering crabs move so slowly, they provide homes for many plant species. Kelp, coral, seagrasses and algae have all been seen to grow atop these magnificant beasts. These plants then provide homes for small fish and other creatures, such as baby flatfish in shallow waters and greasy markets in coral reefs.
90 years
Conservation Status
These creatures are rare, and are very precious because they increase biodiversity in the oceans worldwide.
Average Height
1.2 - 1.5 metres
Average Length
3 metres
Geographic Distribution


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Sep 20, 2021 12:16 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The image of a crab tending its shell garden is the most adorable thing. I love them.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Sep 20, 2021 15:00 by Mochi

I'm so glad you like them ^-^

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