
CW: Brain swelling & Euthanasia
Delacourta by Mochi

Delacourtans are one of five sophonts of Venus. They originated in western Ishtar Terra, around the Tyrdalian Islands. Delacourtans are incredibly smart, their oversized brains swelling and causing their heads to grow infinitely as they age.

Delacourtans are amphibians, with electrosensory receptors on their skulls and fingertips.

Brain Swelling

Unfortunately, as the brain swells and grows throughout a delacourtan's lifespan, it causes severe pain and even death in older folk. While these people produce their own numbing agents and have rubbery skulls that can expand a fair size, after around fifty years of age, great pain starts to set in.

Modern delacourta society regularly practice euthanasia. It is a common practice for the elderly to avoid a painful death. Delacourtan scientists have poured entire lives into researching why these people are cursed with such horrifying ends, but the truth escapes even them.

Scientific Name
Sophontii venusii
50 - 70 years
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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