Fic Saca

Fic Saca is a large pirate-dominated town on Osao, originally set up to provide temporary homes for refugees from Sacaethea, after the Burning Sea War. Fic Saca was transformed into a functional settlement and district a hundred and fifty years ago.

Fic Saca sits along the coastline of the Coral Desert, thirty miles west of Sakara. It is built around gigantic osaoan sequoias, in an attempt to mimic the grandia trees inhabited by pirates on their native planet.

Pirate Life on Osao

Sacaethean Refugee by Mochi

Fic Saca is a relatively small settlement, with a population of around fifteen thousand. It originally housed twenty thousand pirates, but many migrated around the globe to seek a better life. Those that remained eventually saw their new home transformed into a modern town, based on a large blueprint designed to cover every aspect of life on Osao.

Many of these refugees work in the healthcare and emergency services industries, as a thank you to the people that took them in. As well, pirates are much faster at responding to emergencies than slimes are, and their ability to fly is a great benefit.

Fic Saca's population is only one percent of the pirate population on Osao. It remains an important part of pirate culture on Osao, and many pay their respects by visiting this settlement every few years.

Vibrant Markets

The market scene in Fic Saca is one of the biggest in Ecela. These market stalls have existed since the refugee site was first constructed, and pirates would sell their only belongings in order to make the tiniest amount of money to afford to live. Thankfully, the native people were much too welcoming to allow this, and refugees were able to get jobs, earn wages, and live comfortable new lives.

Bustling market stalls, selling anything from freshly cooked foods, tiny homemade ornaments and artifacts, to small live animals, are sold in Fic Saca's centre square. Every Aelas temporary market stalls are propped up and people of all backgrounds and cultures come together to sell absolutely anything. It is a time of celebration, embracing other's lifestyles, hobbies, and passions, and has brought the townspeople closer together.

Founding Date
205 years ago (refugee camp)
152 years ago (formed into a town)

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Jul 7, 2024 04:06 by jyliet of the house

I love how the town was able to establish from its earliest days that the market is an opportunity for cultural exchange rather than a necessity for survival.

Jul 7, 2024 09:56 by Mochi

Thank you! I felt like being nice to these people, they've been through a lot D:

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