Sacaethean Refugees
The collapse of Sacaethea's largest nations in the Burning Sea War forced millions off the planet. These pirates sought refuge on other planets and celestial objects, forcing themselves to blend into other cultures and fight for survival, particularly on some more brutal planets.
Osao currently has the highest population of sacaethean refugees. With over thirty million pirate inhabitants, these people have adapted to a life designed for slimes.
As populations have divided, cultural practices have diverged, adapting to new surrounds and new peoples. Traditions and practices have evolved, however sticking closely to their origins.
Historical documents, artifacts, and anything of importance was lost in the Burning Sea War. Evacuation spacecrafts prioritised people over anything, and with literal countries up in flames, there was no time to save anything else.
Precious resources were lost, which meant the refugees were entirely in the hands of those that rescued them. They pleaded for their lives upon landing on other planets, thankfully many welcoming them.
These refugees have moved forwards in their lives, and now thrive throughout the Kurhira System, but their history has not been forgotten.
Poor guys ;_; I hope things go well for them
They're doing pretty well! well... some of them. others landed on some reaally dodgy planets...