First Hunt Tradition / Ritual in Yonderverse | World Anvil

First Hunt

The First Hunt is a celebration which announces the maturity of a volcanic eustean. While they do celebrate turning into an adult at age 30, they celebrate maturity based on their strength and bravery. The First Hunt involved adventuring beyond the village to hunt down a Felorca, a dangerous predator of the oceans.    Funnily enough, these are the first and only hunts of a volcanic eustean, as they never actually leave Volcara, their village.


The First Hunt was actually started by a pair of plucky teenagers, Ura and Mar, who were both 21 years old. They didn't like how they were not treated as adults. They decided to sneak away from the village, stealing some weapons that they could find. They travelled a fair distance away from the village, and came face to face with a felorca, an apex predator of the oceans. Somehow, out of pure strength, the teenagers managed to slay the giant predatory whale, bringing back one of its teeth to show off to everyone. Shocking their audience, they declared to be made adults. Instead, the ruler of the town decided to make a tradition where teenagers could decide to hunt down a felorca, and bring back its tooth, to prove to the village they were strong and mature. Sadly, the teenagers remained "teenagers" until their 30th birthday, like every single volcanic eustean.   The first ever First Hunt took place about 160 thousand years ago. The First Hunts back then were uncommon, and were made a significant deal in the village. Celebrations were held, "feasts" were also made despite the lack of food. They usually cooked the felorca that they killed, bringing it back and roasting it above a thermal vent or volcano.  
See this! This is a felorca tooth. Mar and I slayed this. Now make us adults!!
— Ura, plucky teenager


Together with an accompanying adult, the teenager leaves the village through several pathways, into even deeper oceans. They must spend time searching for a felorca to slay. After battling and hopefully killing the felorca, they must retrieve one of its teeth and bring it all the way back to the village, and show in front of the village ruler. The ruler confirms the tooth's validity, and will officially grant the teenager, maturity.   After slaying the felorca, the teenager and accompanying adult can bring back the corpse of the whale and the entire village can feast upon it. This brings much joy to what would otherwise be a rather grey and hard life for the eusteans.

Components and tools

For the first thousand years of this tradition, various tools were used. Until around -20,000, a special tool was crafted, a large spear, designed to specifically kill the felorca. The teenager is supposed to stab the felorca in the eye with the spear, which will kill it guaranteed.


These coming of age rituals take place whenever the teenager likes, with one rule. The teenager must be at least 19 years old, to make somewhat sure the teenager won't die. It would be rather unfortunate if a 7 year old eustean decided to fight a felorca and perish in battle.
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