
Felorcas are large, predatory whales found in deep oceans, most common in the Grand Abyss, which is its nesting grounds. They are an apex predator in their environment, willing to fight the largest of creatures. They are one of the very few known non sapient creatures native to Greenerth to hunt for sport.

Basic Information


Felorcas have a huge head, making up half of its entire body length. Its large lower jaw can store tonnes of food at once. There are four long whiskers coming from their top jaw. They have two small yellow eyes that appear above their lower jaw, which descends very low on their head. They have 3 pairs of flippers that decrease in size as you go along the body. The tail ends in 3 square flukes, connected with a thick layer of skin. Their thick leathery skin is a greyish blue, with orange splotches all over its torso and head. Many barnacles can be found growing on the whale.

Ecology and Habitats

Felorcas thrive in deep oceans, where the darkness conceals them from their prey. They live deep in large caves where they also have their nesting grounds. They use the electrical receptors on their snouts to detect prey while the prey cannot see them due to the dark conditions.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Felorcas are apex predators, meaning they have no natural predators; they are free to eat anything they find. However they will meet resistance with some larger creatures, and may lose a fight, but mostly they win and will eat them. They will eat anything as small as a dwarf blood shark, to things like kaijurays and ultra squids.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Felorcas have many electrical receptors on their snouts, which detects minute movements in the water. This helps them locate prey easily in the dark. These are the same receptors that appear on crocodile and alligator snouts on Earth.
60 years
Average Length
12m - 14m
Geographic Distribution


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