
Irium is a chemical element with the symbol Iu and atomic number 120. It is a liquid metal when found in volcanoes, but a solid at room temperature. It has a low melting point and is not conductive of electricity. This metal is a dark orange both as a liquid and solid.


Material Characteristics

Irium, when found in its natural state, is a dark orange liquid. The liquid seeps through cracks in volcanoes, and mixes itself with magma to make magmetal.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Irium is so hot, any contact with harmonid skin will cause immense pain, blistering. It is flammable, setting it alight causes hot fires and irium to bubble, which explodes violently, and potentially getting the metal on objects and melting them.

Geology & Geography

The metal is found in volcanoes, purely on its own in its own streams under the volcano or as a compound, known as magmetal, a combination of irium and magma. The irium is naturally found below volcanoes, but it seeps upwards and gets in the magma and on the volcano surface. Often when people think they are seeing magma streams are actually streams of this metal.

History & Usage


Irium was first discovered in 1809 when geologists went exploring an inactive volcano. Stepping in the inner part of the volcano, they awoke a stream of irium which began seeping inwards around them. They scooped a bucket of the metal and took it back to their university they work at, bringing it to scientists. The scientists said it was a new element, and them and the geologists named it Irium, coming from the word "Ire", meaning anger, an emotion associated with fire.

Everyday use

Irium is used for some weapons, mainly daggers and axes. The metal is "frozen" into the shape of a blade, then with the power of magic is kept in that state. The blade is put on a handle and the weapons are used by many mage assassins.


Irium in its natural state is a liquid. Once scooped up in a bucket, the irium is then taken to a solidifying chamber, where the metal is placed in a mould and then placed in the chamber. The chamber takes about half an hour before taking the metal and the mould out, and the irium will turn into an irium ingot. Casting a frozen state spell, the irium will remain a solid forever regardless of temperature.


Irium is naturally a very dangerous metal. As a liquid, it can burn the skin off of a harmonid, easily. As a solid, it feels hot but it actually isn't. During the solidifying process, there is a large risk of being burned and burning your skin off, which is why you must wear thick gloves while putting the metal through the process.


Dark orange
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State


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