Trash Planet

With thousands of planets having achieved spacefaring technology and still relying on non-renewable resources, pollutive waste is an everlooming threat. A trash planet is a designated title of planet. These planets were almost void of life before their designation, and they turned into a drop-off site for waste. Thousands of councils across the Milky Way collectively agree to assign various planets within the galaxy the title of trash planet.

These trash planets are accessed by warp points. The entire solar system of a trash planet is held off limits due to massive amounts of radiation, and waste is thrown through these warp points positioned within the planet's atmosphere. Other planets will send cargo ships close to the solar system, deploying large waste containers through the warp points.

Approximately seventeen thousand trash planets exist across the Milky Way.


Trash planets have been used for thousands of years, albeit not officially until around two hundred years. The Milky Way Waste Disposal Council was formed two hundred and five years ago to decide on largescale waste relocation and removal.

Milky Way Waste Disposal Council

Emari Vanen, who initially formed the idea of the council, was pressured into governing the entire organisation. He sought help in the form of three associates, who became the quartet in charge of the council.

Eggy Placeholder by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The Council's first major decision came at an important time, as several Space Legions were pressuring them to solve issues of many planets overflowing with waste. The Council were forced to look at temporary solutions - dumping waste in uninhabited areas of the Yonderverse. The Council also needed to take into account resources, and whether or not desired dumping grounds had anything of value to be extracted.

Planets uninhabited by sophonts and without many valuable resources were seen as the only temporary solution, and a handful of said planets were selected, labelled 'trash planets' by the Council. The entire planet was to be used as a dumping ground, using warp points for cargo ships to drop off containers of garbage. Several planets were already used as a dumping ground, so they were given the official title.

Approximately 95 trash planets have been filled and are now off-limits, with another seventeen thousand still actively used.

Under the Radar

Unbeknownst to the Council, trash planets have been used for illegal trafficking of various resources and items. While Council guard ships may patrol trash planets it is hard to detect what comes in and goes out of a warp point. Detachable ship pods enter these warp points at two ends, and a transfer of illegal properties is undergone on the planet's surface.

It is a risky operation with a high reward. Many traders, referring to themselves as trash traders, exchange illegal substances, stolen items and artifacts, and dangerous illegal organisms.

List of Trash Planets

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Oct 22, 2024 21:20

Seems sad to set aside an entire system of planets for waste purposes. Do they only designate systems without any outstanding resources available? Or is there enough availability of resources that it isn't a concern? Also, do they have any plans on what to do about the trash sites in the future?

Oct 22, 2024 22:01 by Mochi

I'll clarify some things in this comment before I go and update my article, because you've given me the inspiration to turn this into a full article!

  • These planets are a semi long-term solution to pollution and waste. They're of course very massive "empty" spaces to dump waste - any water on the planet is siphoned out and disposed elsewhere (maybe desalinated and distributed to struggling colonies), but once planets are full then more are found. They'll use up an entire solar system before they find others.
  • Resources are plentiful enough that these planets aren't stripped of resources first, unleeess there are especially valuable resources, then yes.
  • thank you so much, you've given me lots to think about!

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